Quote of the Day

Bedding her could be anything from tenderness to riot, but to take her when she was a bit the worse for drink was always a particular delight.
Intoxicated, she took less care for him than usual; abandoned and oblivious to all but her own pleasure, she would rake him, bite him โ€” and beg him to serve her so, as well.
He loved the feeling of power in it, the tantalizing choice between joining her at once in animal lust, or of holding himself โ€” for a time โ€” in check, so as to drive her at his whim.
 โ€” Diana Gabaldon, The Fiery Cross


  1. Gulp. That Jamie is a bit of a devil! I have to continue on to book two ASAP!

  2. Replies
    1. Me too, Merit, me too. I just got myself weaned away from these books so I could do a Fever reread, and this is pulling me back. I will resist.

  3. You absolutely do, Katherine!!! You really need to see how Jamie grows up. He and Claire are still so young where you left off, and they continue to get better with each book, like fine wine.

  4. Whew fanning myself. The quote is hot.


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