What the Wenches Are Reading

Chicagoland Vampires are on a lot of our reading lists this week! Also thought-provoking erotica, a bestseller, some zombies, romance, and a little non-fiction are occupying our time this week. Click through to see who's reading what, and give us some suggestions in the comments below!
Amanda: I am nearly done with Priest, maybe 5% left. What a great rec from Wench Zee! (Check out our review here.) I highly recommend it. When she recommended it to me, I thought I was reading it because it was hot and fluffy. It is absolutely not fluffy! Amazing Amazing Amazing life lessons in this book, especially in the end. And that preceding statement absolutely does NOT indicate how I feel about Tyler's decisions. Again, highly recommend this one!!
Angela: It's been a bit of a reading week this week. I finished Deadtown (Deadtown #1) by Nancy Holzner and enjoyed it for a first in series. Zombies aren't bad, they're just misunderstood. It's not their fault they go crazy at the sight of some blood. Vicky Vaughn is a demon slayer and it isn't a job for the faint-hearted. Also read Big Little Lies (which I see Barb did too!!) by Liane Moriarty and loved it. When I can't figure out who has been murdered or who the murderer is it tends to hold my interest. Moriarty gave what felt to me like a very real portrayal of parenting, friendship and what can really go on behind closed doors. Highly recommend.
Anne: This week I finished Friday Night Bites and Allegiant. As always, Friday Night Bites was great. Allegiant was fine. I've read this series before, but I was less impressed with it this time through. I still don't have a problem with the ending, like so many do, though. Anyway, I've moved on to Twice Bitten and I'll be starting Outlander #6, A Breath of Snow and Ashes tomorrow on my way to work.
Barb: Still working on Friday Night Bites; thinking about hurrying through the last 75 pages so I can get to Twice Bitten. *sigh* Twice Bitten *heart eyes emoji*. My library loan of The Autobiography of Malcolm X expired and I'm debating borrowing it again. It's painful and angry and I understand every single bit of the anger, but that anger is hard to read. But I feel like I need to read this book. I just don't know. I also just got a review copy of 13 Ways of Looking At A Fat Girl, the debut novel of Mona Awad. This book looks amazing and I'm looking forward to checking it out.
Kathi: I continued listening to The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks on the treadmill this week. It’s the very interesting story of a woman who died from cervical cancer in 1951, but whose harvested cells have continued to grow and make possible all sorts of vaccines, cures, and discoveries related to a variety of diseases and the science of cell culture in general. It’s very well told, easy to follow, and fascinating. I also read Midnight Marked, which I LOVED!! And now…ta da…I have finally started rereading Outlander because season 2 is almost here!!
Merit: At last I had free time to read Midnight Marked by Chloe Neill. For me it’s like coming home to a known and comfortable setting. Not so much for Merit and Ethan, their world is still full of too much drama, not a peaceful moment yet. If you know CN and her CLV series, you know what to expect: while M&E try to relax they stumble upon a dead body--yes another one. I feel like this (penultimate) book is more about arranging the characters for the last coming book. There is drama, danger and action here, but also growth of character. Merit is going full circle to the beginning of her story and comes out stronger. Same goes for hers and Ethan's link. There are complications, anger and angst but at the end they are getting stronger as a couple too.
Shau: I've been reading Midnight Marked by Chloe Neill. I'm loving it!!
Zee: I am kinda in love with Tessa Dare and enjoying her books. Haven't read a lot, but just started the Spindle Cove series and loving it!! Saving the rest of them for my flight... maybe.
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