Review: Fire Touched by Patricia Briggs

I was lucky enough to read an advanced copy of Patricia Briggs' ninth Mercy Thompson book, Fire Touched. I really enjoy the Mercy books. They are like meeting up with an old friend after a long separation. You just pick up right where you left off and it's like you were never apart. I love my time catching up with Mercy, Adam, Jesse, and the rest of the pack. Fire Touched is a great addition to the series. We meet some new characters, catch up with some old ones, and encounter a few surprises along the way. I don't want to give anything away so, I will try to keep this as spoiler free as possible. Keep reading after the jump to see what I though about the newest Mercy book!

As I said above, I really cherish my visits with Mercy and the gang. Fire Touched is no exception. I actually liked this one more than I liked the last installment, Night Broken, which I enjoyed quite a bit. Just like with Night Broken, I wish I had had the time to reread at least the last book, if not the whole series. I just didn't have the time. Plus, it's been two years since the last Mercy book, so I had forgotten to look at release dates and this one crept up on me. But, as I said in my Night Broken review, Ms. Briggs is great at slipping in enough details to remind you of what's happened in the past so rereading isn't an absolute necessity. I still wish I had time for it, and I may go back and do that reread, including this one, once I'm done with my Chicagoland Vampires reread. Anyway, Fire Touched has a great story, great new characters, and some interesting long term developments. It's a great addition to the series that opens up a lot of possibilities for future books.

All in all, this is a great addition to the Mercy Thompson series. It has all of the classic Mercy elements, plus some new things to make it interesting. I would like to know how many books Patricia Briggs anticipates writing for this series. I like to know how far I have to go before the end. How many questions I still need answers to, etc. But, for now, this was a great way to quench my thirst for Mercy knowledge. I think all of you Mercy fans out there will enjoy it. I know I did. I hope the next one isn't another two year wait.
Wench Rating:
So, Readers, are you looking forward to this release? Did you do a series re-read to get reacquainted? Let me know in the comments!
**All gifs come from Tumblr.
I am currently reading Fire Touched. Like you, I enjoy Mercy Thompson and her merry band. Roll on the next book. :)