What the Wenches Are Reading

What about you, Saucy readers? Let us know in the comments what you've been reading this week!
Amanda: Real Life has been so busy, with two boys in baseball, and two girls in dance competitions, I haven't had much time to read! I'm still working on Heart of Obsidian by Nalini Singh.
Angela: This week I've been reading The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson. I've found it a little slow to get going, but overall I'm enjoying the book. It's my challenge book in our Goodreads group for the category "read a book translated from another language". It's not normally a book I would be read and I'm so glad the challenge has made me try out something new.
Anne: I'm still trying to work my way out of my reading slump, so, I'm trying to cleanse my palate with some Supernatural fanfiction. In the audiobook side of my world, I started on Iced. I know I'm way behind the Burned train, but I need a reread (or listen, in the case) before that one. I tried jumping right into Burned, but I was so confused because I didn't remember a lot of the events they were talking about.
Barb: After finishing Darkfever, I moved on to Bloodfever. I haven't gotten very far, but I did watch a lot of TV this weekend while knitting and then coloring pretty peacock pictures.
Care: Okay, so I'm back home now. While I was out and about, I finished Cross & Crown, reread Crash & Burn, then picked up Hot Head and am now meandering through Dark Lover, though I'm really only reading the parts I give half a shit about and am therefore skipping anything to do with the Lessening Society. I'm not sure WHY I'm rereading these books, as I don't really like them overmuch, but I think it's mostly to have something to read that won't break my heart while I try to recover from my Cut & Run hangover. On tap: John Cleese's So, Anyway and a massive reread of the Dresden Files. I've got a lot ahead of me between those two and teacher's manuals!
Donna: This week I read A Key, an Egg, an Unfortunate Remark by Harry Connolly. Marley Jacobs knows magic, magical creatures and lots more. She wants to know who murdered her nephew and why. Oh yeah, and she's a couple of decades older than most kickass heroines!
Kathi: I finished The Luminaries this week! I loved it, think it’s an extraordinary piece of literary historical fiction. The very complex mathematical structure of the book’s sections and chapters (discussed a bit in reader Q&A on the Goodreads page) became a bit distracting at the end, IMHO. I am not sure whether it had a purpose other than for us to marvel at. Likewise, I’m not sure if understanding more about the astrological chapter titles and section charts would enhance the story, or if they are merely decorative. But the beauty of the writing and the storytelling was more than sufficient for me to fall in love with this book and recommend it highly as a thoughtful, mesmerizing read. (Warning, it is slow to start with lots of characters and events to keep straight. Don’t reach for this one when you’re in the mood for mindless or fast. Here’s Wench Angela’s review.) I also read The Handmaid’s Tale. Because it was simply unacceptable that I never had. Now I want to watch the movie version.
Merit: I’m still readings the Sensor series by Susan Illene, I enjoy book #3, Darkness Divides, While it’s not the best UF I read, it is still very good, full of action and intriguing enough. I also needed some very light reading, so I read The Pirate Hunter’s Lady by Jennifer Ashley.A long time ago I enjoyed the first book in that Regency Pirates series: The Pirate Next Door, which is why I went for the second book. You would think that the combination of the words "pirate" and "hunter" are sexy and romantic, but the story felt less romantic, even ridiculous at times and not developed enough. I must add that even I found too many typos in the kindle edition.
Zee: After Gone Girl, and The Diabolical Miss Hyde, I was in the mood for smut. And some light fun with cheese. Asked Wench Shau about Gena Showalter's Angels of the Dark series and she gave it a thumbs up. What can I say? It was exactly what I needed. Light, cheesy fun. With some intensity. Great characters, I think, interesting backstories despite a couple of MINOR issues I might have had with the overly religious undertones in the first two books, Wicked Nights and Beauty Awakened. The first two were not nearly as smutty as I wanted though, but the third, Burning Dawn, was much better on that count. Plus, the third probably had my fave alpha and the most gorgeous cover! I'm probably going to continue this series. Reminds me of Immortals After Dark but nary an asshole Alpha to be seen! I love that! This also makes me want to pick up her Lords of the Underworld series.
Merit, many years ago, I read Jennifer Ashley's Pirate books., mainly because I found The Care and Feeding of Pirates. How could I resist a title like that?!
ReplyDeletePat, I still think about reading book # 3. Maybe I will.