What the Wenches Are Reading

Suffering some pretty serious book hangovers, three Wenches are enjoying the hell out of Gone Girl. We're also reading a new fantasy series, an award winner, preparation for the release of a favorite, and another Fever reread. Click through to see who's reading what, and be sure to share your reading list in the comments below.
Amanda: I'm finally out of my reading slump! I ditched the other 2 books I was trying so hard to read, and started Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. OMG, it's SO GOOD!!! I'm about 30% into it now. I find myself thinking about it when I'm not reading it, and I'm always eager to get back to it. I love that feeling!
Angela: This week I felt like it was time to read some fantasy, so settled on Before They Are Hanged (The First Law #2) by Joe Abercrombie. I'm enjoying returning to the word Abercrombie has created, and I feel like there is going to be some bloodshed in the near future.
Anne: I'm suffering from a book hangover after Crash & Burn. Besides reading the new chapters in a couple fanfictions I'm following, I really haven't read anything. I am still listening to Gone Girl, which is getting really interesting.
Barb: I finished Garden of Dreams and Desires (review here) and between all of the great new books I've read the past few months and real life being kind of a bitch, I really wanted some comfort reading in my life. So I've started rereading Darkfever. Being back in Dublin is just the most comforting thing I can think of right now. Plus! Barnes and Noble has fixed a lot of the problems with the Nook app, making it more like reading on a Nook. So I was able to delete all of the highlights that broke my Fever books, they are working perfectly again, and I can highlight anew! Ah, the things that delight a nerd girl.
Donna: I've been on holidays but haven't had much time to read....except for a novella by Chloe Neill. Merit and Ethan are on vacation too, in Lucky Break -- they have a lot more drama going on, though.
Kathi: This week I started reading The Luminaries, which has been on my e-reader since Wench Angela reviewed it so highly. I enjoyed what I’ve read so far, though I haven’t had much time for reading the last few days. The author’s prose is quite lovely; I need to read it slowly and thoughtfully in order to fully appreciate her vivid and detailed descriptions. I look forward to rectifying my complete lack of awareness about life as a 19th-century gold miner in New Zealand.
Merit: This week I reread Fury of the Demon (Kara Gillian #6) by Diana Rowland in anticipation of Book 7, Vengeance of the Demon, coming out April 7. I love Kara, her friends, and their world; I think they don’t get the love they deserve from readers. While looking for an easy read to pass the time until KG 7 releases, I found a book I knew nothing about, and was surprised to find it refreshing and entertaining: Darkness Haunts (The Sensor #1) by Susan Illene. It's UF with a strong female lead, one who has a unique ability. I have read only a few chapters, and so far it is quite interesting.
Zee: Zee is passed out after traveling right now, but I can tell you that she read some unsatisfying smut, thoroughly enjoyed The Diabolical Ms. Hyde, and then picked up Gone Girl. After finishing the dark and depraved Ms. Hyde tale, she told me she wanted some "seriously twisted murder mystery type stuff" and I told her that Gone Girl would fit that bill perfectly. It did! She read it well into the night, thinking she'd fall asleep any second, but unable to put that book down. It gets under your skin. Muwahaha! ~~Barb
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