Kristen Painter: Interview and Giveaway

We have a treat today, Saucy Readers! Kristen Painter, the author of one of our favorite new series of the past year, Crescent City, is stopping by to talk about her fabulous series and New Orleans, the setting of the books. And she came bearing gifts! We're giving away a copy of the complete trilogy. 

So, click through to check out our interview with Kristen Painter and to enter the giveaway. Then be sure and check out the Crescent Series trilogy, and our reviews here, here, and here

What book are you reading now? The Enemy by Lee Child. I'm working my way through the Jack Reacher series.

Which part of researching Crescent City was the most personally interesting to you? Everything about New Orleans. I love the city and any excuse to be there or research it was awesome.

We were wondering what character spoke to you the loudest. Harlow or Augustine? Augustine - that's how he ended up with his own series!

What character do you find the easiest to write? and which one the hardest? Lots of them were easy - Olivia, Lally, Dulcinea, Augustine, Fenton. Harlow was the hardest by far. I really had to rein in my urge to make her pricklier and more anti-social.

Villains or heroes, who's more fun to write? Oh, villains. All day long. lol

We love that Harlow isn't your cliched UF/PNR heroine who endlessly kicks ass and wears leather, does angst in small doses, and is snarky in the face of almost everything to the point of ridiculousness, and has a different journey than your usual heroine. Did
 you ever plan on making her a sword toting, leather clad ass kicker? Or was this your plan for her from the get go? Nope, that was always who Harlow was going to be. I tend not to write the stereotypical UF heroine when I can help it. I think it's more interesting
 to read about the unexpected!

What scenes do you find more fun to write? Sexy scenes, action, drama? I like to write the big reveals, the moments when I get to share a twist with the readers. I always hope they find them as exciting as I do.

One of our favorite things were the magical costumes from City of Eternal Night and that beyond amazing ball--what was one of your favorite magical thing that you've written in this series? The ball is high on that list, but inventing the lightning tree was
 a lot of fun too!

Do you have any input when it comes to the GORGEOUS covers of these books? Some, but that's really after the artwork has been done. I've been very blessed to have wonderful covers.

What was it about New Orleans that made you want to set a series there? I love the city,
always have, and have spent a lot of time there so it seemed like a logical choice.

Other than New Orleans, are there any cities you'd want to write about in your next series? I've been thinking about Savannah, but my next series takes place in a magical made-up town in the mountains of Georgia.

Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp? Love conquers all? Redemption? I really write to entertain first, so whatever else readers take away from the books is just a bonus.

Anything you'd like the readers to know before they jump in to the last Crescent City book? Read the first two!

Thank you so much for your time Kristen! We love your books and are sad to see this series end! There will never be enough Augustine in our lives!

Now, Saucy Readers, it's your turn to enter for a chance to win the complete Crescent City trilogy, stunning covers and all! 
**US Entries Only, please.


  1. I haven't read them yet, but based on your reviews I'd say Lally. She sounds really cool. I'm always looking for new authors and I love urban fantasy. Thanks for the chance to expand my library!

  2. Sounds like a great series. I would ove to read these books.

  3. Oops. Augustine.

  4. I haven't had a chance to read this series yet but it is on my to read list.

  5. I haven't gotten to read it yet but Augustine sounds intriguing!

  6. I havent started the series yet, but I have the first one on my kindle. Im eager to start!


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