What the Wenches Are Reading

Click through to see what we're reading this week, and share what you're reading, in the comments below.
Amanda: I am back "in Dublin", and it feels SOOO good! I'm about halfway through Darkfever by Karen Marie Moning. I just get warm fuzzies thinking about reading the Fever series. I'm seeing a lot in this reread. I used to think that Darkfever was one of my least fave of the series, but actually, there's so much brilliance in this first book of the series. It's so much more than a world-building intro.
Angela: Finished An Echo in the Bone by Diana Gabaldon and really enjoyed it. I found the first 50% though quite a slog as not enough Jamie and Claire for me. Once I read through that I was fine to race to the finish. I've been sick, so managed to get a bit of reading done. Read Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers and was surprised how much I enjoyed it. It is YA, but to me, didn't feel like a YA. Perhaps as the characters weren't all in their late teens. Now onto A Trail of Fire by Diana Gabaldon. Four short stories and a vital read before I move onto Written in My Own Heart's Blood.
Barb: You know how I fell in love with House of the Rising Sun by Kristen Painter and couldn't quite let go of it? Well, I knew that Rising Sun was a spin-off of her House of Comarre series, but I was afraid to read the first series--it couldn't possibly be as good as Rising Sun, could it? Well. I finally started the first book, Blood Rights, and was completely hooked from the beginning. I finished it in a few days, reading into the night because I couldn't put it down, and will be moving right on to the next one, Flesh and Blood.
Beta: Last week I put a bit of a pressure on me to start reading and hopefully get my reading mojo back by challenging myself to read at least two chapters from Echo before our next WTWAR. I just made it, and I mean that literally. I managed to read them last night. Whew! Thank goodness I won't have to do that singing thing! Sorry Amanda ;) But that's all I read this week.
Kathi: This week I finished American Gods. I also finally finished a huge work project that has consumed what felt like every waking moment for months. I flailed around for three days trying to figure out what to read, mainly because I need to catch up on a reading challenge I signed up for, and none of the books I felt like reading fit the challenge categories. But I finally settled on I Am Livia, a free ebook that Veronica recommended awhile back. I was a big fan of I, Claudius on Masterpiece Theater in the 1970s, and Livia was the conniving, ruthless matriarch of a powerful Roman political dynasty. Or was she? This book tells her story through her own eyes, and promises to show me another side of her.
Merit: I didn't read much this week. Still reading Deborah Harkness's The Book of Life. A lot is happening there and I follow enthusiastically. I've also started a new paranormal YA romance book, which is called Runes by Edna Walters. It looks original and interesting enough so far.
Natalie: Hello Wench Followers, it's another new week of reading. This week I've been able to make a small dent into Drums Of Autumn so I'm just about 45% through the book. Though I'm very happy that Claire and Jamie seem to be able to settle into life together for a bit of it I feel as if I am waiting for the shoe to drop. Well I hope to manage a little more of the book this week but with out of state family in town for the birthday I don't know how much I'll get done. Happy reading everyone.
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