Anniversary Celebration: Day Two

It's day two of our week-long Second Blogoversary Celebration and we have a wonderful treat for you! The fabulous Jaye Wells, author of Wench favorite series Sabina Kane and Prospero's War, has donated books and swag to help us celebrate. So enter below, and be sure and come back tomorrow, when we'll be giving away prizes from Darynda Jones!


  1. I love Saucey Wenches ! Following for a while now and excited about this giveaway ! Jaye Wells is one of my all time favorite authors. I've read everything of hers, and some even more then once.: )
    Thanks for this giveaway!! My fingers are crossed xx xx xx

  2. Congrats!!! Thanks for the chance! *)

    1. Oops, I forgot to leave a quote. *)

      โ€œI'd have a longer attention span if there weren't so many shiny things.โ€ โ€• Darynda Jones, First Grave on the Right

  3. "Before Melanthe became this, she was that..." from Dark Skye by Kresley Cole. I love this quote because it is just mysterious enough to keep you wondering throughout the book.

  4. One of my favorite quotes: "โ€œI looked around at us all: me in my nightgown, Kiyo bare-chested, Dorian in his extravagant robes, and Tim in his Native getup. God, I muttered, standing up, we all look like the village people.โ€ " Richelle Mead's Storm Born

  5. I only highlighted the end of the sentence because it's fun out of context. "Like we're completely normal people and not demon-made monsters trying to save the city from an albino alligator and a fox-eared girl." - Servants of the Storm by Delilah S Dawson

  6. Amber (Lynn Natusch) has a deep-seated fear of clowns and deep water . . . Especially clowns swimming in deep water.

  7. She lifted her face to his and kissed him, running her tongue over his lips before entering his mouth. He pricked his tongue with his fang to make his blood flow and did the same to hers. Their blood mingled, and they drank each other down. Their passion for each other already heated, the connection of the blood sealed them as one and worked to soothe her soreness. -- Master for Tonight by Elaine Barris

  8. โ€œHe was so very large and so very gruff that he rather terrified her, but he always behaved correctly in public, and there was a lot to be said for a man who sported such well-tailored jackets---even if he did change into a ferocious beast once a month.โ€
    โ€• Gail Carriger, Soulless

  9. "It was going to be so much fun dragging his complacent sexual views out of the ordinary and into the extraordinary."
    From the Riley Jensen guardian series by Keri Arthur


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