Happy Second Blogoversary!

Time sure does fly when you're having fun, and we've been having a blast for two years now, reading, writing, fangirling, and slipping in some inappropriateness from time to time! It's our anniversary and we're celebrating all week with gifts for you. 

Thank you so much to our readers who have been with us from the beginning, and welcome to our new readers! Make yourself at home, join in the fun, and come back all week for giveaways of books and swag from some of our favorite authors and series. 

Today's giveaway is a set of the first five books in the Wench Favorite Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews. Wenches Shau, Amanda, and Olga (once a Wench always a Wench!) count Kate among their favorite heroines and here's your chance to meet Kate yourself, or own your very own copies!

Don't forget to come back tomorrow for a giveaway from the fabulous Jaye Wells!


  1. I LOOOOOOOVE this series!!!! AAAAHHHHH HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY! Thanks for celebrating with us. I also enjoyed reading JR Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood series and Jeaniene Frost's Night Huntress series.

  2. Congrats on 2 years!

    (not entering, just congratulating!)

  3. I've been wanting to read this series for a while, but haven't gotten to it yet. Thanks for the chance. *)

    1. I love the Seanan McGuire Books and if you haven't read the Grave Witch series by Kalayna Price they're good too.

  4. Happy Blogoversary! Hope you guys have many, many,many more:D!

  5. I'd recommend Beyond the Veil by Pippa Dacosta, it's my new favorite:)

  6. Happy Blogoversary, Wenches and Many More! I would recommend the October Daye series by Seanan McGuire. One of the more creative depictions of the Fae world in recent lit and I adore the characters! I can never get this page to publish me as anything but anonymous but this is Kim Fox and I have thoroughly enjoyed your blog! Keep up the good (and naughty) work, ladies! ;)

  7. Happy Blogoversary!! & many more to come!

    I always recommend my favorite series, though I'm sure you all know about them.
    This one, of course (Kate Daniels), Charley Davidson, Night Huntress, Mercy Thompson, Chicagoland Vampires, Fever, & Georgina Kincaid. They are my absolute favorite!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  8. I'm just getting started on the Chicagoland Vampires series and loving it! I always recommend Dean Koontz's Odd Thomas series. They are interesting and a bit spooky.

  9. Servants of the Storm by Delilah S Dawson. It's cool and creepy and cliffhanger-y. I need everyone else to read this book so there can be a sequel.

  10. I have not started this series yet! Sounds like I am missing out!

  11. Happy Blogoversary! :) I would recommend the Dom Wars Series by Lucian Bane. If that wasn't your cup of tea I would also recommend the Ridgeville series by Celia Kyle. :)

  12. Happy Blogoversary!
    I'd recommend Karen Marie Mooning's books I see you already have it covered. ;)

  13. Happy Blogoversary and I would recommend The Mythos Academy by Jennifer Estep!! Thanks for the giveaway!! :)

  14. I love the Fever Series and Chicagoland Vampires, but I think most of us do! Happy Anniversary!

  15. The Hollows by Kim Harrison and Charley Davidson by Darynda Jones.. Happy blogoversary!

  16. Haven't had the pleasure, but would love to......

  17. Hard to choose just 1 but I think the Charley Daniels series by Darynda Jones is my fave. You should definitely read Red Rising by Pierce Brown though! Sequel comes out soon!


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