What the Wenches Are Reading


There is quite a mix in our book bags this week: rereads for upcoming releases, time-honored grand fantasies, brand-new-to-us discoveries, and out-of-the-blue impulses.

Click through to see what has captured our imaginations this week. And don't forget to tell us what you're reading, in the comments below!

Amanda: I am reading Once Burned by Jeaniene Frost. Oh, Jeaniene, how I have missed you! Each time I get to the end of a chapter, I think, "Okay, I will stop here," and then I can't resist reading the start of the next chapter! I'm reading this just in time, too. Twice Tempted will be released on March 26. 

Anne: I am firmly entrenched in my Southern Vampire Mysteries reread in anticipation of Dead Ever After in May. By the time you read this, I'll be on to Club Dead. I also finished listening to Prince Caspian in the Narnia chronicles. I enjoyed it, having only seen the (very different) movie previously.

Angela: This week I've been reading Second Grave on the Left by Darynda Jones. I've enjoyed it. I've taken a leaf from Anne's book, though, and I like the non-leading man more than the leading man. Maybe it's the name Garrett. I had to tear myself away from Rachel Morgan, as I had to get her book back to the library. I won't be away for long, Rachel.

Barbara: I finished The Good, The Bad, and The Undead, then started on Every Which Way but Dead immediately. I really enjoyed the book, and and there were enough storylines left unfinished, enough questions raised, that I had to go on to the next book. I think I can safely say that I am hooked on this series. I also picked up the audiobook of At Grave's End for my commute. I have to say that I'm really disappointed with the audiobook selection at my library. I had five new series on my list that I would have liked to try, and they had none of them. Jeanine Frost isn't a bad option when I can't find what I'm looking for, though.

Beta: I was planning to continue reading The Fiery Cross, but my sister, who's reading the latest Mercy Thompson book by Patricia Briggs, insisted that I start reading them 'cause she's convinced that I'll like them, and especially Mercy, as she has been telling me for weeks. So like the good, obedient, big sister that I am *cough* I started reading Moon Called last weekend, and now I've started Blood Bound. Yes, I like it; in fact, I love it so far. Mercy is my kind of woman: stubborn, funny, smart, caring, and doesn't take any bullshit. And I love her spunky spirit and witty responses โ€” the ones she says out loud and the ones she wants to say but knows better not to. Dayumn, I like her. Plus I like me some of that Alpha that is going around, ooh la la. So, big points to my "little" sister, you know me so well. And now I can second Anne's question: Why Isnโ€˜t Everyone Reading Mercy Thompson?

Donna: I'm still reading A Storm of Swords. I think something bad just happened, but I won't know for sure until someone's next POV chapter. Damn you, GRRM!

Jaymie: I am reading Channeling Morpheus. I'm reading at a snail's pace, but I'm getting there.

Katherine: I'm reading Lover Awakened this week. Can't wait to get to Father Mine!

Kathi: Finally making steady progress through A Clash of Kings, though I don't have much time to read. It's a long book, but I'll be done well before the new season begins for Game of Thrones. This is an excellent way to refresh my memory as to what happened last season, and I'm enjoying the details from the book that didn't make it to the screen.

Merit: Somehow I ended up this week with a book I didn't plan on reading, Motorcycle Man by Kristen Ashley. I am still not sure about my reaction (??!) to this book. One way to describe the story is a romance mixed with the tv show Sons of Anarchy. I admit I got caught in the story about a good, lovely girl who meets this "scary biker dude"; they fall for each other in a delicious, humorous, and sexy way. I didn't get half of the slang there, but it is fine. This is book 4 of a series called Dream Man.

Olga: Even though I am not a Black Dagger Brotherhood fan, for some reason I couldn't let go of Zsadist's book Lover Awakened and his Father Mine novella these past days. And now that I'm done with those, I think I'm going to repeat the experience.

Veronica: I didn't do much reading this week. Nothing really to report.

Zee: I read the first two Rachel Morgan books (The Hollows) on the plane! They were good! I was missing the third, so I couldn't continue; I reread Biting Cold instead! But so far, I do like The Hollows. Very, very interesting world. Great characters, too.


  1. Nice to see what you guys are reading, it gives me good ideas for my TBR pile :) Glad you like Mercy Thompson Beta, I knew youยดd like the series ;)

    1. Yes, you did, yes you did :D I've started the 3rd one btw ;)

  2. I missed posting my book choice for the week. It's Riley Jenson Guardian Series. So far so good, but I'm not really impressed by it so it's taking some time. I am on book two so it's progressing. ;)


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