What the Wenches Are Reading

Many of the Wenches are gearing up for new book releases by revisiting previous books in several series. You'll see books from the Black Dagger Brotherhood series on our lists this week, as well as the Cut & Run series, and A Song of Ice and Fire still sits on several Wenches' bedside tables. (Those are long books!!) Guest Wench, Natalie also did her job well with her review of Darynda Jones's Charley Davidson series, as those books are still getting some rotation.

Click through to see what else we are reading this week. And don't forget to share what you're reading in the comments!

Amanda: I am reading the Kate Daniels novella, Magic Gifts, by Ilona Andrews. This story was included with Gunmetal Magic.

Anne: I'm flying through Fish & Chips by Abigail Roux, in anticipation of the new release. And waiting anxiously for Frost Burned by Patricia Briggs on Tuesday!! And I've finished A Dance with Dragons; that bastard George R. R. Martin has ruined my life!

Angela: I've put Drums of Autumn by Diana Gabaldon to the side, as I can't seem to get into it yet. So I will pick it up another time. I want to read it. So now I'm reading A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness. I'm enjoying it. Not loving it though.

Barbara: I finished the audiobook of Fourth Grave Beneath My Feet. It was great, as usual with a Darynda Jones offering. Riveting story, growth for Charley, interesting twists, and a huge FINALLY moment. Yes, I did, in fact, shout, "Finally," as I was driving home from work. I'm not ashamed because it was that good! I also finished reading Dead Witch Walking and thoroughly enjoyed it. I'll be moving right into The Good, the Bad, and the Undead.

Beta: I still haven't had time to pick up a book; shocking I know. I promise I'll do better next time!

Donna: I'm just starting A Storm of Swords by George R. R. Martin. This book has been silently mocking me from my iPad for about a year now. I've been afraid to read it, since GRRM is such a ruthless, blood-thirsty author, and I'm such a spoiler whore. I KNOW there are deaths that are going to completely mess me up (you know, the Ugly Cry Syndrome). Wench Angela will have to hold my hand long distance, since she's on the other side of the world from me, and she's giving me the courage to read it.

Katherine: Finishing up Dark Lover and moving on to Lover Eternal. Love these boys!

Kathi: The tumult calmed down at my house, finally. I finished reading the four main books in Lisa Kleypasโ€™s Wallflowers (HEA romance) series and am more than ready to crank up the book angst again. So I resumed A Clash of the Kings. Trying to get that read before season 3 of Game of Thrones begins!

Merit: I've put Charley Davidson #4 on hold just because I don't want the series to end. In the meantime, I went back to a series I put to the side earlier, and now I'm reading Caressed by Ice by Nalini Singh, enjoying it very much.

Veronica: I'm finishing up Lover Reborn this week in anticipation of the Lover at Last release in a few weeks. This afternoon I'll be skimming over Lover Unbound because I've got some things to say about Vishous. Then, who knows, the sky is the limit!


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