Quote of the Day

"No, maybe he's not perfect," she said. "But I bet he doesn't consider women to be tarts, who should be in a man's bed twenty four hours a day."

"I was jesting about that. Mainly. Almost totally." She glared.

"For the record, male Lorekind have higher opinions of females than human males do. The playing field's more equal in our world."

"Ha! I find it hard to believe that men who've lived for centuriesโ€”and might even be medievalโ€”believe in equality more than a human male raised in the Madonna era."

"The Lore is home of the Valkyrie, Furiae, Witches, and Sirenae. You underestimate females, and you find your balls nailed to the wall."

~ Kresley Cole, Dark Desires After Dusk
    Immortals After Dark series


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