What the Wenches are Reading this Week

Welcome to our new weekly feature, where we share what books have caught or fancy this week. Old favorites? New discoveries? Where are we this week? Let's find out....

I am reading Archangel's Storm (Guild Hunter #5) by Nalini Singh. I'll be doing a review for the blog shortly.

I'm currently reading Veterans by Aleksandr Voinov. It is the final of three books and I put off reading the last one as the second book had me wanting to throw it across the room. So far so good.

I'm reading DreamFever, #4 in the Fever series, in preparation for the new Fever book, Iced, that comes out in October. And, since I have a 45 minute commute each way, I've started listening to A Song of Ice and Fire in the car. I just started A Clash of Kings.

I was reading Archangel's Consort, eagerly working my way toward Archangel's Storm and Dmitri, then hoping to have time for Archangel's Storm before I started my Fever reread. Sadly, my eReader reset itself (again!) and since my Guild Hunter books were borrowed, I lost them.  So I am back in Dublin with Mac, reading Darkfever.  I'm taking it as a sign.

I'm rereading Once Burned right now by Jeaniene Frost. I'm enjoying me some smokin' hot Vlad and kick-ass Leila.

Darkfever, baby!

Iโ€™m finishing my reread of Dragonfly in Amber, the second book in the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon, and starting my reread of the third book, Voyager. I think Iโ€™m enjoying Outlander more now than I did the first time I read it, if thatโ€™s possible. Iโ€™m having such a difficult time leaving it behind that Iโ€™ve missed several new book releases as I continue to linger over the amazing characters and story, so Iโ€™m feeling like I need to tear myself away for a while before the rest of the book world passes me by. But Iโ€™m determined to finish Voyager before taking a break, and if you love the series maybe youโ€™ll understand why I need to at least see Claire and Jamie safely to that point before I can divert my attention.

I'm about to finish Archangel's Storm by Nalini Singh. Though I read differently, I love the story, I love Jason's quiet strength and...No,I'll wait for your review Amanda.  I'm also rereading An Echo in the Bone, Diana Gabaldon's 7th book in the series.  What can I say? I am captivated by the story.

Drooling over Slave to Sensation (Psy/ Changeling#1) by Nalini Singh and loving every minute of it. I'm just furious I've waited so long to read the series! This is just refreshing.

I've had to put my two favorite FBI agents aside and I've started my first re-read of the Fever series in anticipation of Iced, coming out in October. I'm looking forward to returning to Dublin and Barron's Books and Baubles!

My week is pretty much all rereads. Just finished a surprise CLV reread (Was just going to browse through them, ended up reading them all over again and falling in love with the series all over again), currently reading Persuasion (By Jane Austen) again, it is my feel good, go-to book when I'm under the weather, and an all time favorite. Planning on starting Fever again with the group and my H.G.Wells collection. In the mood for some classic sci-fi.

So, awesome followers, what are YOU reading this week?


  1. Regarding Darkfever (Karen Marie Moning): This time around (5th?) I'm having fun imagining different actors and actresses for the characters.

  2. I'm reading Tigers and Devils by Sean Kennedy. Haven't got very far into it so far, but so far, so good. The premise is appealing, the characters are intriguing, and I like the way Kennedy writes. Simon, the main character has just enough sass to him to make me really love him and his love interest, Declan is very appropriately sexy football player. And it is set in Australia so I'm learning all sorts of neat Australian slang words and other fun Aussie stuff.

    So far this is my favorite bit of dialogue between the two of them:
    Simon: โ€œYouโ€™re fucking weird.โ€
    Declan: โ€œSo are you. Thatโ€™s why I like you.โ€


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