The One With the Man Candy
Wow, has it been a week already!? How time flies when having fun!
Making these posts has been quite the challenge I must say. Why? Well, picture this scenario, starring yours truly:
"There she was, a woman on a heavenly delicious mission. She had a plan to whip out two eye candy posts and the only thing she had to do was a little online research to gather up some evidence of man candy, add them to the posts and maybe write down a few words here and there and voila! Simple enough she thought but soon found out it wasn't. There was this one little problem and it wasn't making two posts ...the problem was that there were just too darn many hotties out there which made it really hard to pick out the ones who should receive this questionable honor of being apart of the Man Candy of the week and who should be left out"
And that's why. Plus lets face it, we can't have them all in only two posts, that would surely bring out some massive spontaneous combustion all over the world ;)
But don't worry, after some tough, nail biting decisions, I'm back as promised and I come bearing gifts.
So, ladies and gentlemen, here are some more scrumptious little niblets of happiness and I will run around outside the house, naked, if you don't fancy at least one guy in here... *clears throat and gulps*
Just remember to...
First, I better admit one thing... I'm a selfish Wench... these fabulous men you're about to feast your eyes on are all one of my favorites.
Yes, I have a whole lot of Candy favorites, just like I have a whole lot of book-boyfriends.
No, none of these are my hubby... Mr. Beta is my Nr. One and for my eyes only. Sorry ladies but that's just the way it has to be.
The following Man Candy is in no particular order and without further adieu, let's sink our teeth into this delicious buffet of appetizers.
For a starter we have Chris *Heavenly Handsome* Hemsworth? Now, that is one fine piece of male specimen slice that most women (and merry men) would want to have a mouthful of. Just the sight of him makes even the toughest taste buds drool. He's a triple Y this man... a.k.a. Yikes, Yahoo, Yum!
"There ain't' no mountain high enough. Ain't no valley low enough, ain't no river wide enough to keep me from
When mentioning Mr. Hemsworth there is just no way I could leave out Thor (or รรณr as we say in Icelandic) and his big.... hammer. A luscious menu wouldn't be the same without him, just take a bite and taste for yourself...
Source: Source:
"Oh Thor, you can show me your... hammer... When. Ever. You. Want. honey and I will take extra, special care of it. So special that it will leave a satisfied and approving smile on your pretty face"
If for some odd reasons you didn't like the first starter, here's another appetizer for you but I have to apologize in advance. You know when a person, usually a greedy one, gives someone a box of chocolate and he/she, ever so flattered and thankful, opens it but finds out that all the best bits are gone? Well, that's just what happens when you order a Gerard *Smokin' Hot* Butler from the menu and Yours Truly is serving.
Source: Source:
"Don't give me that look Gerard James Butler, you know very well what that does to me. I can feel my heart rate rising already and that tingly feeling of ....ness going down my... woah, is it just me or is it getting really hot in here!?"
----- Few minutes later -----
Ok, let's move on. What?? Oh yeah that, I just had to get myself some glass of water. A really, really cold water.
Anywho, for my next serve is a big bundle of delightfulness that satisfies one's sweet tooth and one's fantasies. I'm sure you are familiar with Ryan *devilishly delicious* Reynolds... and again I must apologize because there is a sliiiight chance that I have taken a few bites myself. What can I say, I have no self-control. But I assure you that you can not find any evidence of my greediness... well apart from the satisfied and happy look on his face...
Source: Source:
"Aww hon, you don't have to thank me, it was my pleasure! Anytime and anywhere you please"
"What are you thinking Ryan?? My "anytime and anywhere" comment? Yeah, you just chew on that for a bit..."
Have you had enough? I hope not, 'cause here's the last one... and be prepared for some sassy, big, handful of attitude. Ladies, I am talking about Michael *Magnificently Bulging* Fassbender. Now there's a man who can fill out any space with his pen... presence. The pic on the right is kinda 'two for one' for me because Charlize Theron is one of my lady crushes, she is seriously one hot, gorgeous woman.
And now, let us enjoy the scenery and take a moment of gasping and sighing....
And now, let us enjoy the scenery and take a moment of gasping and sighing....
----- Few minutes later -----
Sorry, my glass was empty and I had to get another one and something stronger this time... I think it's called Sex on the Beach or maybe it was the Three-Legged Beast...ah, who cares, what ever it is, it's gooood.
I'm going to have to stop writing now and start cleaning the screen... gently but firmly... I can hardly see anything on it. That darn dog, always licking it, tsk, tsk, tsk.
But what's your verdict? Did you see anything you liked? Did you fancy at least one candy.... or do I really have do the run of shame around the house? Gosh, that would be hard to explain.
Candy Girl
I'm going to have to stop writing now and start cleaning the screen... gently but firmly... I can hardly see anything on it. That darn dog, always licking it, tsk, tsk, tsk.
But what's your verdict? Did you see anything you liked? Did you fancy at least one candy.... or do I really have do the run of shame around the house? Gosh, that would be hard to explain.
Candy Girl
I just died a little *sigh* Chris Hemsworth and Fassy... be still my beating heart. Your post is, as always, amazing Beta!
ReplyDeleteThank you Zee, glad you enjoyed it! :-)
ReplyDeleteLove your Man Candy, Beta! Reading could be more fun than looking. ;)
ReplyDeleteHehe, thank you Veronica! Mwaah!
DeleteYummy Ryan Reynolds and Fassy, what more could a girl want?
ReplyDeleteBeta what a fantastic job you have done. The hours of dedication to the task are clear to see. ;).
Thank you honey pie! And yeah they sure are yummie *slurp*
DeleteI didn't even have to look at the end of the post to know who wrote it ;) You know I lust your choices Beta ;) Ok now I'm going to read the post, I forgot that I could read when I saw the pics hehe.
ReplyDeleteHaha, you know me so well :) So glad you enjoyed the view!