What the Wenches Are Reading

Amanda: I'm still reading The Flesh Cartel, Episodes 1 & 2, as I have not had much time to read.  

Anne: At several Wenches' request, I'm reading Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. I'm not very far in, but it's interesting so far.

Angela: I'm giving Dragonfly in Amber a rest this week. I'm finding that, though I am enjoying it, when things get too intense I need to give it a break, and the event I read about last week has made me need to take a breather. So I'm reading Sacrificial Magic (Downside Ghosts, #4) by Stacia Kane. Nearly finished and loving it. Terrible is just *sigh* my new book boyfriend.

Barbara: I'm still reading Shadowfever. Real life, plus the usual block after finishing a KMM book, are getting in my way. I can, however, joyfully report that my mom just finished the Fever series and loved it. I need to buy her the books for Christmas, I think.

Beta: I have finally finished Iced and dude, it was A-fecking-mazing! I bow down to KMM's brilliancy. It is so hard to leave the Fever world but I'm going to try. I've heard so many great things about Outlander by Diana Gabaldon, from a few of the Wenches, so I'm going to give those books a try... so Jamie and Claire, here I come.

Donna: I read two books by YA author Laini Taylor this week: (1) Daughter of Smoke & Bone and (2) Days of Blood & Starlight. I was looking at Amazon's list of the best books of 2012, and DoB&S was included. The cover artwork is quite beautiful and the description sounded promising, but I realized that it was the second book in an urban fantasy/ paranormal trilogy. I started with the first book and quickly moved on to the second. An angel and a demon fall in love, what could go wrong?

Jaymie: I just finished Iced, so nothing as of right now. I'll start reading a fan fic soon, though.

Katherine: I'm still in the thick of reading Anna Karenina. It's a long one!!

Kathi: This week I tried something completely different: Joseph Anton: A Memoir by Salman Rushdie. I was very curious about his experiences after the Ayatollah issued a fatwa against him for writing The Satanic Verses. Unfortunately, I discovered that I am not a fan of his writing style. I set the book aside after a couple of days because I found the story too cluttered with tedious, unrelated details to keep my interest. I am now rereading The Passage by Justin Cronin. This is the first book in a gripping, gritty, and downright scary post-apocalyptic horror trilogy about victims and survivors of an escaped supervirus, which turns humans into super-strong, rage-filled "vampires," that was being cultivated as a biological weapon. The second book, The Twelve, was published last month and I am anxious to read it next.

Merit: Still reading Tempest Rising, like it very much. The world build here is interesting. I love Jane Trueโ€™s (the main character) voice, since itโ€™s full of humor: "Balletic grace and I were not on speaking terms". Meanwhile, I read Naked in Death, the first book in the In Death series by D.J. Robb (a.k.a. Nora Roberts). The story combines Mystery, Romance, Suspense, and Sci-fi. I found it hard to put down, even though it was easy to pinpoint the murderer quite early in the story.

Olga: I started a Kate Daniels reread. Battling between Magic Bites and a The Vampire Diaries marathon with my husband, I hope to finish both soon and concentrate on writing my post about Curran.

Shau: I've just finished reading Iced. I honestly don't know what I'll start next. I'm waiting for the 4th book from the Lords of Deliverance series to come out so I'll probably read that.

Veronica: I'm almost embarrassed to answer. Still reading Iced! What can I say? I think I'm reluctant for it to end.

Zee: I have every intention of starting the Outlander series this week! Hopefully RL will cooperate! Taking my Dowside Ghosts and SSN reread SUPER slow (which basically means reading and highlighting a few pages and then watching TV...), and just finished my Death in the Clouds (by Agatha Christie) reread. Nothing I love more than a great, classic mystery!


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