The One with Thanksgiving
“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow.”
~ Melody Beattie
Today is the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday, and although several Wenches don’t celebrate Thanksgiving because it’s not a tradition in our countries, it doesn’t mean that each and every one of us isn’t thankful for what she has and is blessed with. Life is rarely easy, but we can always find something to be grateful for.
Today we want to share with you what we are most thankful for in our lives. :-)
This Thanksgiving, I am thankful for many things. My family, especially my husband, who still thinks I’m the bee’s knees after 12 years of marriage and is truly my partner in love and parenting. My four children, who teach me that it is possible to love someone more and more each day, and also that I don’t always have everything figured out. All my friends, both near and far, I love you guys. This past year with the Fever Group turned Saucy Wenches is truly something I am thankful to have been a part of. We laughed until we cried and cried until we laughed. I look forward to all the new memories made in the year to come with all the special people in my life.
I’m most thankful for my husband, kids and friends. I never thought that motherhood would be such a fantastic journey to go through, and I love every step of it. Without having met my husband, I never would have given it a thought, as I was a very firm believer that I would never have any kids. My family has been the most rewarding, satisfying and unselfish accomplishment of my life. Each day I am blessed to have my family in my life.

I am most thankful for my husband and the rest of my family. He is my best friend and one of few people I can count on to make me feel better, no matter what’s wrong. My family, by blood, marriage, or chosen, are the most important people in my life and I don’t know what I’d do without them.
I have much to be thankful for: a home I love, filled with the best dog ever and an amazing husband, who I am so lucky to have had in my life since we were way too young, a family who loves me unconditionally, and fantastic friends, including the Saucy Wenches all over the globe. This year I am especially thankful to have a job that I enjoy where I get to spend my days with people I actually like, and also for the opportunity to collaborate with these amazing Wenches on this blog, which has been a source of such joy and accomplishment. I am so proud of us and thankful for each and every contributor. We would not be here without each member of this team!
I’m thankful for so many things in my life, e.g., family, friends, health and a roof over my head. I’m most thankful for my loving, caring, supportive husband, my best friend who is always there for me, who makes me smile and laugh and feel loved every single day, all the years we’ve been together. I’m so thankful for my amazing children who make me a proud mommy every day by just being themselves, funny, spirited, loving and just wonderful. I’m thankful for my father, sisters and friends, including the ones all over the world, who brighten up my life every day, love and support me unconditionally.

I’m thankful for my awesome kids, my awesome husband, cool friends, a fun job that I really like, and a roof over my head and food in my fridge. I’m also thankful for coffee and vodka.
My life was like a roller coaster ride this past year, and I’m honestly grateful for every joyous and agonizing second of it. It’s only when you are challenged that you realize what and who you really have in your life. And although I’m always aware of how blessed I truly am, I’m especially thankful that I was somehow lucky enough to marry my best friend, who is my lighthouse on a stormy day, comic relief on emotionally draining ones, and my sounding board when I just need validation and understanding. I’m thankful for my kids who love me unconditionally and who teach me way more than I teach them. I’m thankful for my wonderful friends and family who know me inside and out and love me anyway (Wenches, that’s were you come in). And with the devastation and destruction I’ve witnessed from Hurricane Sandy, I’m just grateful to still be here, a part of this crazy, wonderful, exhilarating journey called life!
I am most thankful for my family and friends who allow me to share the ups and downs of our journey through life. My husband and daughter, parents and sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, in-laws, and of course my adorable four-legged family members. Friends of long standing who I met growing up or moving around the country, and new friends who share a love of books and other interests. I’m thankful for all their love and support, which enrich my life immensely, and for the opportunity to pay it forward. I’m thankful also for the material abundance with which I am blessed — good food, a safe home, and a little plot of dirt where I can practice gardening and nurturing a peaceful haven for the woodland creatures who share my home.
I am thankful for the small things in life: for the roof over my head and the food on my table, for the ability to laugh and be happy. I am thankful for my husband, who keeps me balanced and anchors me when I’m adrift. I am thankful for my daughter, who taught me about unconditional love. I am thankful for my family and good friends, and most of all I am thankful for my parents, who always let me be myself and made me who I am now. And I am thankful for the Internet, which made it possible for me to meet you, my friends.
I’m thankful for my mother. I love you, Mom! I owe all the great things I’ve done and good choices I’ve made to her. She raised me and my older sister all by herself, and guided us through life better than some parents. I am where I am, and I am WHO I am, thanks to my mother. Also I’m thankful for my loving husband, who understands me and always puts up with me, even when he shouldn’t. And he knows it.
I’m most thankful for my job. As much as I hate it, I have a job and a paycheck, and that’s what I’m thankful for, the security.

I am thankful for my family, both given and chosen.
Family and friends. Even when things aren’t so great, they are the constants in my life that keep me sane.
What are you most thankful for, Saucy Readers? We’d love to hear about it... cliché or no cliché. ;)
Did you notice how well we are behaving today?
... Disappointed? Were you expecting something a little...saucier? Tsk, tsk, tsk, not this time. Today most of us are busy spending quality time with family and friends, which means we
However, I can tell you, if there were something called Wenches Thanksgiving Day, our list of what we’re thankful for would look a whole lot different! But we’re ladies you know... we don’t drink and tell... well, at least not today.
But be sure to stay tuned tomorrow. There might be a special treat waiting for you....
And to you, my dear readers: We are very, very thankful for you, and we want to thank you for checking up on us day after day! Some might call it stalking... but we call it lovin’!
The Wenches hope you enjoy the day. May your heart be brimming with an abundance of love and happiness, your table laid with delicious food, your house filled with family and friends, and your bed blanketed with bountiful sauciness.
* all gifs are from tumblr
I nearly combusted. A gif of Colin Firth. You must really love me. Mwah. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who celebrates it.
ReplyDeleteYes I do Angela, I really do :* That gif is to die for *fan self*