What the Wenches Are Reading

Click through to see what we're reading this week! 

Amanda:  Iโ€™m getting close to the end of Feverborn. I have about 20% left, and Iโ€™m not sure about the plot at this point. Iโ€™m not thrilled with Macโ€™s current situation, but I can think of a scenario that will make it ok for me. Jada and Ryodan: No words, just :( .

Angela: This week Iโ€™ve been reading The Providence of Fire (Chronicle of the Unhewn Throne #2) by Brian Staveley. Iโ€™m enjoying it more than The Emperorโ€™s Blades in that the POVโ€™s are more evenly split this time.

Anne: I'm still lingering in Drink Deep. Merit's pain is so heart wrenching, I can't read too much of it at once. Plus, I find myself so mad at Mallory, I can hardly stand her. I'm very close to done with The 5th Wave audio book. I'm quite enjoying it and I'll be moving on to the second in the series, The Infinite Sea, sometime next week. Just in time for the third and last book to come out at the end of May.

Barb: I finished Hard Bitten and am about three-fourths through Drink Deep. You really have to read these two books as one and just power through Drink Deep to get to the good stuff. The getting there is incredibly painful, but it's so worth it in the end. I'll refrain from gushing about the brilliance of these books right now, but I feel a post brewing about the perfection of this story arc. 

Care: I've been bouncing back and forth between (Percy Jackson 3) The Titan's Curse and Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone this week. Still trying to track down that elusive reading-for-me time, though!

Donna: I didn't have a chance to read this week. Work is super busy right now.

Kathi: I decided to try Jane Steele, which is sort of a retelling of Jane Eyre in which sheโ€™s a serial killer. I wasnโ€™t sure I liked the voice at first (probably because my brain was still in Outlander mode), but I found the audiobook to listen to on a trip over the weekend and have enjoyed it so far. Gotta admit, itโ€™s kind of fun that she doesnโ€™t just let the a$$holes crap all over her like a doormat.  

Merit:  This week I read a time travel romance called Everything in Its Time by Dee Davis. I love time travel stories, so I gave this one a chance, it was described as: โ€œThe author's highly acclaimed first novelโ€. It promised a lot: Time travel, the Highlands, mystery, a noble Scottish hero and a feisty, modern time, heroine, battles and deception and an undying love overcoming the centuries gap." Well, the story had it all, but for me it was off the mark. I donโ€™t really like that โ€œinstant loveโ€ aspect, being madly in love after one night together as complete strangers, Iโ€™d like them to work a little for it, maybe to get to know  one another a little. There was not enough depth to the plot and characters. On the other hand, the story was lovely and entertaining enough to read to the end.

Zee: Still in a bit of a mystery phase this week thanks to Christie. Finished Peril at End House, and picked up The Mystery Of The Blue Train for a reread. I also bought, and immediately read, Alisha Raiโ€™s Be My Fantasy which was AMAZING. As always. I will literally buy anything she puts out without even reading a blurb, thatโ€™s how much I trust her as a writer. Courtney Milanโ€™s Unveiled was another great read, and I canโ€™t believe how much Iโ€™m enjoying her books. Iโ€™m going to have to read the rest of the Turnersโ€™ books. Wench Angela had recommended Liane Moriartyโ€™s Big Little Lies, but I couldnโ€™t get a hold of that, so instead started her The Husbandโ€™s Secret. I just started it and itโ€™s pretty intriguing off the bat. 


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