Cut & Run Interview
While some of the Wenches waited patiently (or impatiently, I think is more appropriate!), for Touch & Geaux to come out, I volunteered to interview some Wenches about the Cut & Run series. It turned out the questions were a lot harder than we anticipated! Even for me, the interviewee. Hehehe.
Let's start with fellow Wench, Olga.

1-Which book(s) in the series was your favorite?
I know this sounds weird, and I also know Wench Amanda will gasp at hearing (I mean, reading) it, but my favorite is Divide & Conquer, Sticks & Stones and then Fish & Chips.
2-Which secondary character(s) in the series do you like? Why?
I love this question. And I hate it. Because all the Gradys are amazing. I can’t decide between Mara and Chester. And then there’s Deuce. And Smith and Wesson. I love Chester for his shovel. I love Mara for her spatula and this:
“She told me to wait, that I was going to lose a finger.” Earl looked toward the kitchen and then back at Ty and Deuce. He snorted. "I asked her, did she think I was stupid? Then a couple snips later, whack. Off went the finger. And you know what that woman said to me? I said, ‘Mara, you cut my finger off.’ And your mother said to me, ‘Well, Earl, who’s stupid now?’” (Stars & Stripes)Isn’t this the kind of woman you would like as a mother or mother-in-law?
3-Which character do you hate or dislike in the series? What was it about them that put you off?
Beverly Carter-Garrett, Zane’s mom. Even though this woman is built of more layers than meets the eye and she’s not all bad, she pissed me off in the 6th book. I hated her with a passion when she was worried about her effin’ upholstery Ty was bleeding on. How can you even think of a thing like that when someone is tugging at Grim Reaper’s sleeve? JFC!
4-Who do you enjoy more, Ty or Zane? Do you feel like you identify better with one agent than the other?
I think if I were a man, and gay at that, I would be more like Tyler. I’m spontaneous and my mouth has no breaks most of the time. I will always tell you what I think and I’m sure you won’t like all of it.
5-Which scene or quote is your favorite?
One of my favorite quotes is from this book.
“Ty knew his partner had to take the issue from every angle, analyze it to death, resurrect it, and then study its dead, rotting body to see the results. Yeah, it might take Zane four months to decide if he loved someone, and then more to decide if that was a good idea. Ty didn't mind waiting.” (Divide & Conquer)But of course there many more. Like Ty’s text messages to Zane at the beginning of the same book. Or the sex scenes. *gulp*
6-Who would you like to see more of in the series?
I miss the cats Smith and Wesson. Also I miss their owner Julian. I would love more page time with these characters. And the Gradys. Always the Gradys.
7-What future scenario would you like to see the agents in?
I would like to see jealous Ty. A Ty who would fear losing his partner to another man.
I like a little angst here and there. But if we’re speaking about a HEA kind of future scenario then I don’t think I can do it. When a book's characters hit their HEA, very often that means the end of the series. I don’t want to think of the Cut & Run series end just yet. Although I know I want to see Ty and Zane walking in the park, holding hands without the fear of being seen. Maybe even walking in said park with a little Garrett-Grady running in front of them. Yeah, I’d love something like that.
Good answers, Olga! I wouldn't mind seeing a little Garrett-Grady myself.
Wench, Angela:
1-Which book(s) in the series was your favorite?
Sticks & Stones for the action-packed read it was. Fish & Chips for the hot sex and "I love you."
2-Which secondary character(s) in the series do you like? Why?
Grandpa Grady – I wouldn’t want to be caught trying to sneak out of the house.
3-Which character do you hate or dislike in the series? What was it about them that put you off?
This is a toughie. I had a hard time warming up to the Garretts. I'm not sure why, perhaps because the Grady’s seemed more hospitable.
4-Who do you enjoy more, Ty or Zane? Do you feel like you identify better with one agent than the other?
I have to say Ty. He is funny, big hearted and he loves men with guns. (Well one man in particular). Zane is a bit more standoffish and dare I say a bit more like my personality as we are both Libras. Hence I see part of myself in Zane and that makes Ty more attractive to me. After all if we went out with someone like ourselves no doubt we would want to kill them within half an hour.
5-Which scene or quote is your favorite?
Wow these questions are good and tough. Just one? My favourite scene is actually in Cut & Run where Ty and Zane get back together and are at Ty’s apartment. Zane isn’t in good shape and you can tell he is back to battling some of his demons. I love the whole interaction as they try to work out what is happening between them.
Zane swallowed hard as he slid his hand to take Ty’s and lace their fingers together. “Are you feeling this, too?” he asked, echoing what they’d asked each other months ago, only to have it pushed aside. But not forgotten. Ty watched their fingers intertwine, fighting back the fluttering in his stomach when Zane spoke. He jerked his head up sharply and met Zane’s eyes. That one he did remember, although he had regretted that conversation for months, blushing furiously whenever he thought of it even when he was alone. He shook his head and swallowed. “No,” he answered hoarsely, echoing the answer he had given before. Slowly, Zane raised his other hand to cup Ty’s reddening cheek. “Me, either,” he breathed before leaning forward to kiss Ty gently. (Cut & Run)6-Who would you like to see more of in the series?
Deuce Grady. I love Deuce and Ty’s interaction. It has me laughing like a crazy woman.
7-What future scenario would you like to see the agents in?
I would love to see them sent overseas on assignment. Covert of course and with the FBI not knowing they are together, I would love it to pose a lot of dilemmas for them.
Love your answers, Angela! I agree, I'd love to see more of Deuce!
Wench, Anne:

1-Which book(s) in the series was your favorite?
I love each and every one of these books. I could come up with multiple reasons why each one is my favorite. I'm actually in serious Ty & Zane withdrawal right now. But, since I have to make a decision, I am going to say that Stars & Stripes is my favorite. There is no relationship angst, there is actually significant progress in their relationship. We see them living together, we see them come out (however reluctantly) to their families, we hear them think about marriage and spending forever together. We also get to spend some time with each of their families. We get to see them in public as a couple, not just work partners. And, even though this goes without saying with these two, there is a lot of really hot sex! Reverse cowboy anyone? There are also more cat jokes, which are my personal favorites.
2-Which secondary character(s) in the series do you like? Why?
My favorite secondary character is Deuce by far and away. He's so witty and smart. And, even though Ty is the profiler, Deuce reads people better than anyone else. He knew before either of them would admit it to themselves that they were in love. He has all of Ty's good qualities and only a few of his bad ones. I love Deuce's acceptance of Ty's partner and his easy going nature. If I can't have Zane, then I want Deuce.
3-Which character do you hate or dislike in the series? What was it about them that put you off?
I feel like Beverly Garrett is the obvious answer. But, I can't think of anyone else that I dislike in this series. (Although, I reserve the right to dislike Yoga Girl, once we get to know her better.) The things Zane has alluded to about his mother had me already dubious of her. Then, when we actually met her, I immediately disliked her. I don't like people who think they are better than others. Her disrespect of Ty's title of special agent is especially appalling. And, then to threaten to disown your own son? Inexcusable.
4-Who do you enjoy more, Ty or Zane? Do you feel like you identify better with one agent than the other?
I am a Zane girl all the way. And, only partially because I picture him as Joe Manganiello. I am more like Zane, so I think that's why he appeals to me. Our temperaments are similar, I'm very even keeled. I don't get worked up or angry often, but when I do watch out. I adore Ty, I really do, but sometimes I just want to shake him and tell him to calm down. Ty actually reminds me A LOT of my husband, so you would think that I would like Ty more. But, I guess I have enough of Ty in my real life that I want Zane in my fantasy life. Although, I am kind of twitchy like Ty. I can't sit still to save my life.
5-Which scene or quote is your favorite?
Again, I'm not sure I could pick a favorite. There are just so many! All of their banter, the text message exchange at the office, the arguing between Ty and Julian, the Deuce/Ty scenes, the action/fighting scenes. And, that list doesn't even include the sex scenes! Since Jaymie is insisting on just one, I think I will have to go with........the paintball training exercise they did in the beginning of Sticks & Stones. It highlights (nearly) everything I love about the boys. The banter, the bad ass skills, Ty's mischief, Zane's mad intelligence skills, it's got it all.
6-Who would you like to see more of in the series?
I would like to see more of their families, both Garrett and Grady. I'd also like to get to know Yoga Girl...I mean Livi a little better. We just got that brief glimpse of her in D & C, I want to know more. I need to know if she is good enough for my Deuce. I also wouldn't mind seeing Julian and Cameron again, though I'm not sure that's possible. But, mostly, I want more of their families. I can't get enough of them, except Beverly of course. I don't need to see her ever again, unless she is apologizing to Zane and Ty.
7-What future scenario would you like to see the agents in?
Ok, I'm going to sound like a broken record, but I want to see a meeting of the families! That would be absolutely epic and awesome. I also want to see Ty & Zane interacting with Deuce's baby. They were adorable with Sadie. I want to see how they would do with a baby. And, I want to see the boys go on vacation (I know, I know, I'm not supposed to use that word with them!). But, I want them to get a real vacation by themselves where they can be themselves and not worry about their families or co-workers.
Great responses, Anne! Yeah, I'd like to know more about Livi - AKA - Yoga Girl, too. ;-)
Wench, Amanda:
1-Which book(s) in the series was your favorite?
Fish & Chips is still my favorite. I love it the most because it was the first time that Ty and Zane could be themselves and be together in public. It also has my favorite sex scene, one that I've coined the "cum gutter" scene.
2-Which secondary character(s) in the series to you like? Why?
My favorite secondary character is Chester Grady. That man sees and knows more than anyone gives him credit for. I love his spunkiness too!
3-Which character do you hate or dislike in the series? What was it about them that put you off?
Nick. *said with the Seinfeld "Newman" voice* I don't hate Nick anymore, but I really hated him when he kissed Ty. His best friend just told him that he was in love with someone. Nick had been in love with Ty for many years, but kept quiet because he didn't know that Ty was bisexual. So, Nick finds out that the love of his life is in love with another man, and his response was to try to disparage Zane, and then kiss Ty because this would be his only opportunity to do so. The problem for me as the reader was that I was fiercely loyal to Zane, and to both of them as a couple. Any man or woman that tried to come between them would be subject to my ire.
4-Who do you enjoy more, Ty or Zane? Do you feel like you identify better with one agent than the other?
I really love them both, and it's just impossible for me to choose who I like better. I think that I identify with Zane more than Ty. I'm a sometimes too serious, over-analyzer, who enjoys a good pun now and then.
5-Which scene or quote is your favorite?
Wow, this is pretty much impossible. I can't even narrow down one favorite quote or scene from one quarter of one book! Since I'm a rule follower though, I'll pick one. Haha, this scene is from Zane's POV, and it occurs right after my favorite sex scene in the series.
"... He felt their rings lightly knock together. At that moment it made him want things he knew he couldn't have and shouldn't want, but Zane squeezed Ty's fingers gently anyway. "Zane," Ty finally said in a low voice. He hadn't moved, but his eyes were open, staring at the ceiling. Zane hummed softly in question. Ty remained silent for a moment, apparently mulling it over before he finally asked, "Any reason why we couldn't just ditch the condoms from now on?" Surprise streaked through Zane so quickly that he caught his breath, and he had to force himself to resume breathing normally. He would never have guessed that question would come out of Ty's mouth at this moment, especially considering how closely it resembled Zane's half-formed desires. "No," he answered, his voice low and quieter than he expected to hear. "No reason we couldn't," he clarified. (Fish & Chips)
This scene is one of my favorites for a couple of reasons. One is that Zane was first looking at Ty's ring, thinking about Becky, and hurting. A few moments later, while they held hands, he looks at both of their rings together, and feels a longing for a commitment like that with Ty. Considering that he has not even admitted to himself that he is in love with Ty, this is a big moment for Zane. Then, Ty voices the question about ditching the condoms, Zane agrees with him, and they have made one more step towards their commitment to each other.
6-Who would you like to see more of in the series?
This may sound crazy coming from me, but I want to see more of Nick. Nick has a lot of fans, and I want to like him. I look forward to seeing Abi Roux make me love him. I know she will!
7-What future scenario would you like to see the agents in?
Their wedding, of course!
Thank you, Amanda! Good point about the scene and their evolving relationship. And of course, their wedding as a future scenaro. I think we'd all love to see that. :-)
Wench, Katherine:
1-Which book(s) in the series was your favorite?
That's easy. Fish & Chips. I totally dug Ty being submissive and playing the sex kitten. Yum-o.
2-Which secondary character(s) in the series do you like? Why?
I have a couple of favorite side characters. First is Chester. I love an old man who has lived long and hard enough who has earned the right to sit on the porch and smack the shit out of anyone with a shovel. :-) I loved that he was the only one who guessed about the nature of Ty and Zane's relationship.
My second favorite is Harrison Garrett. I cried at how wonderful and accepting he was of Zane and that he was willing to do what it takes to make sure that Zane's legacy remained intact. Amazing daddy right there.
3-Which character did you hate or dislike in the series? What was it about them that put you off?
Beverly Garrett. I cannot adequetely express how much I hate this woman. As a mom, I just can't understand how she can be such a raging BITCH to her own flesh and blood. I am still pissed at her for treating Zane (and Ty) the way she did. And while I know these characters are only fictional (sad, I know) I wish she were real so I can kick her ass. No joke.
4-Who do you enjoy more, Ty or Zane? Do you feel like you identify more with one agent than the other?
Yikes! This is hard! I honestly go back and forth all the time, especially in Touch & Geaux. But I think I like Zane a little more because I am more like him. And I LOVE submissive Ty so in my head, I enjoy and get into the Zane fucking Ty scenes way too much! TMI?
5-Which scene or quote is your favorite?
So many scenes and this series has so many great quotes! But I think I'll quote the first book because it captures them so well.
"Fuck", Ty finally mutters as they broke another heated kiss. "Is that a comment or a request?" Zane asked breathlessly. (Cut & Run)
6-Who would you like to see more of in the series?
Hmmm. I think I'd like to see more of Julian Cross and Cameron Jacobs.
7-What future scenario would you like to see the agents in?
Gosh. Theoretically, I'd like to see them settled and happy, like a marriage ceremony or something. But I don't think they'd be satisfied with that type of HEA. So, I don't know. Maybe investigating a plot against the President? That sounds fun. :-)
Good choices, Katherine! Submissive Ty is pretty awesome! :-)
Of course, I would have to add my own responses, wouldn't I? :-p
Wench, Jaym:
1-Which book(s) in the series was your favorite?
Fish & Chips, for me. There was just something about their role reversals that was exciting and very hot! They were also relaxed through most of it (even if it was short-lived) and were able to just be themselves in public. It was a nice change of pace for them. I also like Armed & Dangerous, home of my favorite sex scene. ;-)
2-Which secondary character(s) in the series do you like? Why?
Ty's family and Zane's father. Ty's family just because they're funny, quirky, and are a caring, close-knit group and Zane's father just because he's awesome. :-)
3-Which character do you hate or dislike in the series? What was it about them that put you off?
Zane's mother. I didn't hate her, but her coldness with the family rubbed me the wrong way, as I'm sure it did everyone else. I was giving her the benefit of the doubt, thinking maybe she was just misunderstood, but I think she's just a really cold bitch.
4-Who do you enjoy more, Ty or Zane? Do you feel like you identify better with one agent than the other?
Ty. I love Zane, but Ty had me from the first moment I met him in Cut & Run. I don't know if I identify more with him, but I do understand why he does what he does. Plus, he comes across as tough, but is really a softie underneath, IMO. Kind of like me. :-p
I also picture Jensen Ackles as Ty in my mind, so that also solidifies my love of Ty even more.
5-Which scene or quote is your favorite?
This was a tough one! There are so many quotes that are awesome (usually coming from the mouth of Ty, haha), and scenes as well, but my favorite scene would have to be in Armed & Dangerous when jealous Ty came out after Zane got flirted with at the restaurant. Mmmmm, that scene was gold. Not to mention Zane lost his eyesight temporarily, so all he could do was feel Ty. Very, very hot.
I also liked the scene in Fish & Chips, with Ty and Zane "practicing" their roles. Here's the quote I love:
Ty looked at him seriously as he stepped closer, letting Zane's arms encircle his hips. He put one hand on Zane's upper arm, fingers digging into his bicep. He reached up with the other hand to touch Zane's face, gliding his fingertips along Zane's lips as he looked him over. It was an odd gesture from his normally undemonstrative partner, one that struck Zane silent as he waited for Ty's next move. He had expected Ty to make another comment or wisecrack, but Ty said nothing, letting his fingers slide down Zane's neck, over his chest, down to his waist to disappear under the unbuttoned shirt Zane still wore. Zane shivered."Care to help me get into character?" Ty whispered with a mischievous smile. (Fish & Chips)
I loved this scene because of the way Ty was so out-of-character. He showed his affectionate side and proved to Zane that his tough exterior is only on the outside. It made me take notice of how Ty really is.
6-Who would you like to see more of in the series?
Ty's brother, Deuce. I think he helps Ty with his issues and he's a good shoulder for him as well. He also seems to be a good influence in Zane's life, too.
7-What future scenario would you like to see the agents in?
Probably on an assignment in another country. But most of all, I would also love to see them together, out in public, preferably married with a Ty mini-me. :-)
So there you have it! All of the responses were great and I noticed we all agree with certain questions, like our love of Ty's family and our loathing of Zane's mother. We also seem to agree that we'd love to see more of Deuce, which I'm not surprised about.
Stars & Stripes is also a Wench favorite. We love seeing a calm, relaxed Ty and Zane, don't we?
As Cut & Run readers, is there anything about these books that are your favorites? Characters, scenes, quotes... sound off below!
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