What The Wenches Are Reading.

Lots of reading for the Wenches once again. We're all over the place genre wise, but that's what you love about us, right? A lot of us are continuing with series reads, including the occasional reread of a couple of Wench faves. And some of us are branching out and trying something new! 

Click through to see what we've been reading, and share what you've been reading in the comments below.

Angela: I finished Death Masks (Dresden Files #5) by Jim Butcher and loved it. Iโ€™m completely hooked on the series now. Iโ€™ve now moved onto The Kingโ€™s Blood (The Dagger and the Coin #2) by Daniel Abraham. At this point itโ€™s not pulling me in as much as the first book did. Iโ€™m finding it very easy to put down.  Hopefully the second half of the book will pick up enough that it will make me want to continue on with the series.

Anne: I did a lot of reading/listening this week. I just finished Drink Deep Monday night. Now that Ethan is back, I may take a short CLV break, but I haven't decided. In the audio world, I've been listening to In Cold Blood by Truman Capote. I'm really enjoying it. I don't have too much left in it and I'll not sure what my next listen will be. I'm leaning toward The Martian again. I've got some personal stuff going on and I want something light. The Martian fits the bill.

Barb:  I've been reading Darkfever. With a sprinkling of Captain Swan fanfic for smut's sake.

Donna: Iโ€™m still enjoying the Darkfever audio book. It sure takes a lot longer to finish this way, but I think itโ€™s a great way to bring something new to a re-read of a much-loved novel. Who knows, maybe Iโ€™ll pick up the audio books to all of Karen Marie Moningโ€™s Fever series.

Kathi: This week I indulged in some feel-good comfort reading โ€” Justice by Lisa Clark Oโ€™Neill โ€” and I just loved it! Mystery, suspense, and romance set in Savannah, this is another entertaining addition to her Southern Comfort romantic suspense series, which I reviewed here. I also watched the first season of A Place to Call Home, a wonderful Australian period drama that Iโ€™ve been meaning to watch since Wench Merit reviewed it here. It jumped to the top of my Netflix queue when one of its stars was cast as Outlanderโ€™s future Lord John Grey. Iโ€™m absolutely addicted to this series.     

Shau: This week I finally have the time to start Wild Embrace by Nalini Singh. A collection of novellas set in Psy-Changeling universe. Canโ€™t wait!

Zee: I finished The Girl On The Train and absolutely LOVED IT. I wish I had read it earlier. Such a great psychological thriller. You will literally suspect everyone in this book. I then started Stacia Kane's Made For Sin, and I have to say, I am LOVING the world and mythology! 


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