What the Wenches Are Reading

Sometimes I wonder how the rest of the Wenches manage to get any reading done when real life can be crazy! They're amazing.

As always, lots of variety in our reading choices. Ranging from non fiction audiobooks to fantasy, horror to sci fi, thrillers to chick lit, and more!

Click through to see what we've been reading! And feel free to share your reads of the week with us in the comments below!

Angela: I finished A King's Ransom by Sharon Kay Penman. As usual her attention to historical detail leaves me astounded. It was simply amazing and made me have a few tears in my eyes when some of the historical characters died. Especially when they were younger than I am. Also finished Why Not Me? by Mindy Kaling. I recommend you read it only if you are a massive Kaling fan. It was a real struggle for me to read, and I didnโ€™t DNF it only because it fit a challenge book I needed. Iโ€™ve now moved on to Death Masks (Dresden Files #5) by Jim Butcher. As usual, itโ€™s one hell of a ride, and Iโ€™m loving that urban fantasy isnโ€™t so bland as it had started to become for me a couple of years ago.

Anne: This week, I am about halfway through Drink Deep. The emotional turmoil in this is just heartbreaking. In the audio book world, I finished and LOVED The Boys in the Boat. I decided to stay in the narrative non-fiction world and started In Cold Blood by Truman Capote. I am really enjoying it so far. I might be staying in this genre for awhile.

Barb: The same two books are hanging out on my tablet, waiting for me to get back to them. I still haven't gotten back to them. I DNF'd the smutty romance I was reading, bummed because I used to love that series. Apparently my tastes have changed again. On a long drive I started Darkfever again, but haven't gotten back to it yet, despite make that drive in reverse a few days later. The Fever world is calling to me though, so hopefully I'll have a chance to get back to it soon. 
Donna: I'm still rereading Darkfever by Karen Marie Moning. I may be stuck in Feverworld for the rest of the fall!
Kathi: I finally finished rereading The Stand!! It was a much creepier and more disturbing book this time around than in 1978 โ€“ which is saying a lot. Then I needed to read a book with a green cover and it needed to be short, in contrast to that last behemoth, so I picked up Ghost Planet. This sci-fi romance takes place on a planet that can replicate people and botanicals from Earth, and it has a fascinating premise. It explores a symbiotic bond between humans and aliens. This was a refreshing change from the intensity of The Stand, and yet shared the theme that love, cooperation, and communication make the world a better place to live. 

Merit: This week I started reading a different kind of book, different from my usual fantasy/sci-fi  reading. All the Good Parts by Loretta Nyhan is the story of Leona Accorsi. She is 39, broke, and single; she lives in her sisterโ€™s basement, studies for her nursing degree, works as a home-health care aide, and helps with her sisterโ€™s 4 kids. A visit to her gynecologist reminds her that the clock is ticking, and if she wants to have a child before itโ€™s too late, the time is now.  Iโ€™m almost halfway through the story, and I find it heartwarming, funny, and poignant. The supporting characters are lovable, and I feel that many women will find something here to identify with.  A great read.  
Zee: I FINALLY started The Girl On the Train. Took me forever. Iโ€™m looking forward to where this is going. As Anne warned, ZERO likable characters. But thatโ€™s always interesting! I can see why people make Gone Girl comparisons too. My favorite thing is the fact that the main character is a complete drunk, she canโ€™t even trust her own memories! That makes for a suspenseful story!


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