The Wenches are so pleased to be a part of Chelsea Mueller's Borrowed Souls cover reveal. And excited! We'll absolutely be adding this one to our reading lists immediately! 

Click through to see the much anticipated cover, read the blurb (which will suck you right in!) and take part in a very cool Giveaway! 

Callie Delgado always puts family first, and unfortunately her brother knows it. Sheโ€™s emptied her savings, lost work, and spilled countless tears trying to keep him out of trouble, but now heโ€™s in deeper than ever, and his debt is on Callieโ€™s head. Sheโ€™s given a choice: do some dirty work for the mob, or have her brother returned to her in tiny pieces.

Renting souls is big business for the religious population of Gem City. Those looking to take part in immoralโ€”or even illegalโ€”activity can borrow someone elseโ€™s soul, for a price, and sin without consequence.

To save her brother, Callie needs a borrowed soul, but she doesnโ€™t have anywhere near the money to pay for it. The slimy Soul Charmer is willing to barter, but accepting his offer will force Callie into a dangerous world of magic she isnโ€™t ready for.

With the help of the guarded but undeniably attractive Derekโ€”whose allegiance to the Charmer wavers as his connection to Callie growsโ€”sheโ€™ll have to walk a tight line, avoid pissing off the bad guys, all while struggling to determine what her loyalty to her familyโ€™s really worth.

Losing her brother isnโ€™t an option. Losing her soul? Maybe.

Wow. We're already invested. And we LOVE the cover!! You can add it to you Goodreads reading list here.

Now comes the fun part: PRE-ORDER LINKS! Love those. You can buy it on:

Amazon here.
Book Depository here.
Barnes & Noble here.

There's also a very cool giveaway you can enter below for a chance to win. 

(1 winner, open internationally, contest open through 11:59 pm EST 10/31/16.)

  • The Veil by Chloe Neill SIGNED!
  • Midnight Crossroad by Charlaine Harris
  • Hounded by Kevin Hearne
  • 1 custom "Soul Magic" candle (it smells of forest, storms, and cinnamon)


Chelsea Mueller writes gritty contemporary fantasy (BORROWED SOULS, 2017). She founded speculative fiction website Vampire Book Club, blogs about TV and romance novels for several other awesome blogs, and is co-chair of SF/F charity Geeky Giving. She loves bad cover songs, dramatic movies, and TV vampires. She lives in Texas, and has been known to say yโ€™all. Find her online at

You can follow her on social media at the following links!

Twitter here.
Instagram here.
Facebook here


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