What the Wenches Are Reading
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“[D]on't ever apologize to an author for buying something in paperback, or taking it out from a library (that's what they're there for. Use your library). Don't apologize to this author for buying books second hand, or getting them from bookcrossing or borrowing a friend's copy. What's important to me is that people read the books and enjoy them, and that, at some point in there, the book was bought by someone. And that people who like things, tell other people. The most important thing is that people read... ”
― Neil Gaiman
Click through to see what we're reading this week, Saucy Reader. And share your reading list in the comments below!
Amanda: I'm having a hard time finding time to read lately! My son's 80 lb. football is in full swing around here, with four nights of practice and a scrimmage every weekend. School starts tomorrow though, so that will go down to 3 nights a week during the week. I'm looking forward to school starting for the routine and structured day that comes with it. Hopefully, I will have lots more reading to report next week!
Angela: I've finally managed to tear myself away from my romance binge reading to pick up The Winter Sea by Susanna Kearsley. This is one of those books that has been on my TBR for well on two years. So far I'm enjoying the mix of past and present storytelling.
Anne: I finished The Girl on the Train last week. I enjoyed it. Though, I didn't think it was quite at the level of Gone Girl, which it's been compared to. I also started the audio book of Voyager, Outlander #3 and the eBook of The Veil by the wonderfully talented Chloe Neill. I also got a friend hooked on the Chicagoland Vampire books. ::evil cackling::
Barb: I've been nursing a pretty serious book hangover from Ricochet, so I reread it, which helped a little but I still had a hard time moving on. After I finished that I read Archer's Voice based on Olga's review, and while I enjoyed it, it was just too sweet and perfect for where I am right now. I'm craving dark, a little dirty, a little fucked up. So I picked up The Paper Swan last night (it was in my Goodreads recommendations if you like Ricochet), read over half of it before I finally made myself put it away, read some more before work, and have been dying to get back to it ever since. I'll probably have it finished today. And then I'll be book hungover again. Why do I do this?
Donna: I treated myself to the seven-volume Harry Potter ebook series available at the Pottermore website. I'm only a couple of chapters in, and I'm already amazed how much I had forgotten - probably because of the film adaption.
Kathi: This week I listened to Sharp Objects and finished most of it on a car trip back from my vacation. As with the other Gillian Flynn books I’ve read recently, I enjoyed this one, but I admit I had figured out who done it well in advance of the reveal. And if I can figure it out, it’s pretty easy, because I like to be surprised and make little effort to guess endings. Now that I’m settled back into my usual hectic routine, I’ve decided to bite the bullet and tackle A Feast For Crows and A Dance With Dragons. I printed off a long and detailed listing of which chapters to read in which order, since the chronologies overlap, and I’ve officially taken the plunge. I’m about 2% done with both books, woo hoo!
Merit: This week I read Burn by Paula Weston, the fourth and final book in The Rephaim series. What a great story, a beautiful ending for a wonderful series. This is a YA paranormal series packed with good action, mystery, angles, half angels and demons, kick-ass characters and a dash of romance. There is a wonderful sense of place in the series; most of the plot takes place in a small town in Queensland Australia. The second book I read is Before Jamaica Lane (On Dublin Street #3) by Samantha Young. Sexy, funny and emotional, I love this combination and this one delivers it all.
Shau: I've been reading Shards of Hope (Psy-Changeling 14) by Nalini Singh. And it has been pretty good so far. Not as good as some of the other books in the series but still not bad. All the PC lovers will be quite happy with it.
Zee: Between travel and jetlag I haven't been reading a lot. I did read Ricochet after Barb recommended it. And then a bunch of stuff I had on my Kindle that I now regret having. Roxy Sloane's The Scene was everywhere, so I tried that, and meh. Started Sabrina Paige's West Bend Saints and while it was okay.. something tells me the second or third parts may be better, so I may continue. I also read Natasha Knight's Deviant, which I think would have been pretty good (Kinda like Ricochet) if it hadn't been for the issue of clear consent in a few scenes... not my thing AT ALL. Also read Clara Bayard's Rocked #1 which was a quick, short, okay read. Basically nothing really got me REALLY invested this past week. Here's hoping next week is better!
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