What the Wenches Are Reading

Anne Leonard, Jeaniene Frost, Hilary Mantel, Abigail Roux, Diana Gabaldon, Richelle Mead, Patricia Briggs, Megan Hart, Philippa Gregory, Kim Harrison, and George RR Martin are all making appearances on our reading lists this week.
Click through to see what we're reading, and leave us some suggestions in the comments below. Our TBRs might be shrinking!
Amanda: I finished A Storm of Swords, and It.Was.Amazing. I actually was stunned and contemplative for the rest of the day that I finished it. Three days later, I'm still thinking about all the things that happened in the last third of the book. Since I'm totally addicted to ASOIAF now, I started A Feast for Crows right away. It's starting off slow, and it's also introducing some new characters and POVs that we haven't seen before. Cersei for one! Yeah, I didn't think it was possible to like her less. However, after getting inside her head for a chapter, I'm pretty convinced that she is one cold bitch. Like father, like daughter!
Angela: It's been a reading week. I finished The White Queen by Philippa Gregory. I enjoyed it, but I've read other books covering The War of the Roses which I enjoyed more. It wasn't in-depth enough for me, but it did cast fresh eyes on the tragedy of the two princes in the tower, which was a bonus. On the recommendation and raving of Barb, I picked up Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead and enjoyed it. I usually avoid YA at all costs, but was pleasantly surprised by Mead's world building and angle on being a teenager. I'm now reading a little bit more of The Fiery Cross before The Undead Pool by Kim Harrison comes out this week.
Anne: I finished up Night Broken last week. Look for a review closer to release date!This week I'm reading Cut & Run...again in anticipation of the Ball & Chain release. I'm not sure I'll finish the whole series before the release, but I love spending time with Ty and Zane.
Barb: We were fortunate to get review copies of all the parts of Megan Hart's newest work, Every Part of You, a digital serial being released in five parts from February 14 through April 1. I don't think I would make a very good serial story reader, because I couldn't stop to savor each part. I just read from one part right on to the next. Look for a review soon, as well as a guest post from Megan! I also scrapped my intention of rereading House Rules, and picked up Bloodlines instead. I had to know what happened to Adrian, Sydney, Jill, and Eddie, and couldn't switch gears to another vampire world when I knew these were available.
Beta: Once again I've picked up The Fiery Cross and I'm determined to finish it before picking up another book.
Care: This week... This week I finished up Cut & Run, read Raisin' Brains, which I loved - hooray, I'm not alone - and then moved right along to Sticks & Stones... and am now in the middle of Fish & Chips. I love this series, and apparently, the reread isn't going to take me even half as long as I thought it might. Oops. Ah, well. I'm getting in some time with a much-loved series ahead of the release of book 8: Ball & Chain!
Donna: I was pretty productive this week. Not only did I finish up the Dangerous Women anthology, I also read Up From the Grave by Jeaniene Frost. Reading the final Cat and Bones book was bittersweet. Without giving any spoilers, the series ended at exactly the right time and in the right way. Thank you, Jeaniene, for an awesome series!
Kathi: I finally finished reading Wolf Hall this week. Got a little distracted binge watching House of Cards. It’s hard to say which portrayed the more vicious political scheming, but these two made for interesting companion series, so to speak. Wolf Hall is the first book in the Thomas Cromwell Trilogy. Although the voice in Wolf Hall was difficult for me to follow, I have heard that the author made some adjustments in her next book, and I would definitely consider reading it in the future. But right now I have my heart set on returning to my Outlander series reread.
Natalie: I'm still at my Night Huntress and World re read...nothing new to report yet as I'm still not close to being near the new book. Happy Reading and Happy week everyone!
Zee: I read Anne Leonard's Moth and Spark and really enjoyed it! You can read my review here! I also started (ex) Wench Olga's recommendation of the Chocolate Lovers series and was pleasantly surprised by just HOW funny it was!
Angela, I thought the it took reading all the books in the White Queen series to get a full view of events. Other books (most notably Red Queen and Kingmaker's Daughter) show the events from different perspectives, of families who were more heavily involved in or invested in other battles and schemes (like the princes in the tower) that didn't get as much detail in the first book. Plus, as it turns out, the WQ ends in the middle of things because that's when the character dies. (I hope that's not a spoiler.) Events leading up to those in The White Queen are explained in Lady of the Rivers, and those after are in White Princess. PG did a good job of weaving them all together, so that I give the series a much better rating for historical storytelling than the individual books. But I'm not sure it would be the level of detail you're looking for.
ReplyDeleteThanks for that Kathi. Oh, I just like a bit of gory, battle scenes. I will definitely read the other books and see what I think.