What the Wenches Are Reading

In addition to all of the fantastic new releases, we're working some other new-to-us books, so click through to see what is on our list this week. What are you reading, Saucy Reader?
Amanda: I am reading Up From the Grave! I had to put A Storm of Swords on hold to read the last Cat & Bones novel. So far, I think it's...well, I'm undecided, so I'll just keep reading!
Angela: I'm still on The Fiery Cross (Outlander #5) by Diana Gabaldon. It's been slow going, with not a lot of time to read this week. I think I'm now on the second longest day in the history of her series. So much happening in so little time. I need to get this book finished as the next Rachel Morgan (The Hollows) book is out end of February and I have to read The White Queen by Philippa Gregory before that. Goodreads keeps telling me I'm already behind on my reading challenge for the year, so I'm ignoring it.
Barb: I started Vampire Academy last week, after having them recommended to me by a favorite author and her assistant, plus my sister and niece. I'd been avoiding young adult (YA) PNR/UF ever since immersing myself in PNR/UF three years ago. I simply made a decision that I wanted to read adult books, with adult themes, adult behaviors, and adult language. So it was with some trepidation that I finally picked up Vampire Academy, but I trust these ladies. And my trust was not misplaced. VA was a little slow starting for me, but that slow start built such a rich world and background that when the plot revealed itself I was hooked. I'm fully invested in these characters and their stories, so much so that I devoured the second book, Frostbite, in just over a day, and am moving right along to Shadow Kiss.
Beta: I haven't had much reading time but I started Up From the Grave and I'm almost halfway through but at least the benefits of not having had much time to read is that it isn't over yet... like it will be when I finish that last page of the last book in the series. But I need to finish it soon. Why? Two words... Wild Things, ladies and gentlemen, Wild Things!
Care: This week's reading started with finishing Wallflower and then Sharp Shooter by Heidi Belleau (OMG! Review another day!), followed by Up From The Grave. Oh, god. It's over. This can't be true. It can't be over, especially when it's only just started! OMG! There's a hole in my life! Next up... Well, once my period of mourning is done, anyhow... Well, up next... I'll have to decide if I want to take a stroll through the Cut & Run universe in preparation for Ball & Chain, or if I want to hit some new nonfiction, or if I'm going to try something new. Decisions, decisions!
Kathi: This week I blew through the last two Night Huntress books, This Side of the Grave and One Grave at a Time, and started the final novella, Home for the Holidays! Really looking forward to reading the last book in the series during the week ahead!
Merit: This week started with no reading at all, and the blame falls on a TV show marathon I had for a few nights, watching “Sons of Anarchy” (seasons1-4 so far), enjoying every minute of it. Eventually, I’ve been able to tear myself away from the alluring screen and start my reading journey through Up from the Grave, the Cat & Bones finale. Still reading, happy to meet again all the important participants Cat met along her way/story, sad it is over and yes, I am all for Ian story, he sure deserves it!. Thank you Jeaniene Frost, for this intriguing powerful journey.
Natalie: I cannot say I love being sick as it is not much fun. However being sick this week did allow for a bit of reading time. I have managed to finish Me Before You by Jojo Moyes and loved it. I have to say I've been a fan of Moyes's work for some time and our lucky readers shall be hearing more about it soon. I then started my re-read of the Night Huntress series; I am rather behind on my series work. However with being ill I have managed to make it to book four. So my hope is this week to keep going with that. However real life and work may interfere with it. Well happy reading everyone!
Zee: I read Up From the Grave this past week. Other than that, really haven't gotten a chance to read much else. And probably won't be reading for a while. *sigh* Oh, I also skimmed through the latest Secret McQueen book to see if the stupidity of her love life continues (which I have talked about at length in my review) and yes.. yes it does. Before I got too mad, I had to stop skimming through it.
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