What the Wenches Are Reading
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Collage by Olga Daniels |
Wenches not revisiting the Night Huntress World are working on sweeping epics, nearly-perfect tales, brand-new urban fantasies, and life lessons. Click through to see what we're reading, and share your choices in the comments below!
Amanda: I'm still chugging along with A Storm of Swords at 39%. I can't even believe how much is going on in this book. Daenarys has been putting me to sleep for three books now, then BAM, she's a badass. Jaime, oh Jaime, what will become of you now? Daddy Lord Tywin just had a valyrion steel sword made just for you; a pity. My goal for next week is to be at 60%. And when is the Red Wedding going to occur?! Killin me!
Angela: I've spent the last two weeks on holiday and now return back to the grind. Most of my holiday was consumed with reading The Luminaries by Eleanor Catton. I think, it might just be the best book I've ever read. Beautifully constructed, with the different threads of the story pulled together in such a fashion that the story unfolded before my eyes. If you haven't checked this book out, I think it is worth reading. Next up, I've just started The Fiery Cross by Diana Gabaldon. At this rate, I might just be up to date by the time the next book comes out.
Anne: Not much to report, apparently two-week-old babies take up a lot of time. Who knew? When I do have a moment I've just been skipping around through Cut & Run and some Supernatural fanfiction.
Barb: It was a rather busy week for me, reading and writing-wise. I started the week feverishly trying to finish One Grave at a Time before Up From The Grave arrived. I was unsuccessful, but couldn't help myself and read UFTG anyway. You can read my review here. Needless to say, I loved it. I can.not.WAIT to talk to someone about it. This seems to be a theme with me lately. I then went back and finished OGAAT, and started Dirty Magic by Jaye Wells. I wish we had had time to properly prep for Dirty Magic, because it deserves some promotion from the Wenches. It's Jaye Wells-fabulous and I can't wait to finish it!
Beta: I've stopped reading Ósjálfrátt for the time being. Remininscing about the awesome scenese from the Night Huntress series made it impossible not to pick up the books and damn I've missed Bones terribly much. But I haven't been doing a thorough rereading these last few days, instead I've been reading my favorite chapters, scenes from Halfway to the Grave and One Foot in the Grave, which are of course so, so many, siiiiigh.
Care: This week was spent mostly fluttering about. However, between cross border trips, and saying goodbye to dear friends, I've been plugging away at my Night Huntress reread. I still love it, and I still love the heck out of Mencheres, and ain't nobody gonna stop me! I'm finding so many new and interesting things, and knowing the series well before I start makes such a difference in how some things read, changing almost the entire story for me!
Kathi: This week I continued my Night Huntress reread with At Grave’s End and the novella Devil to Pay. I have been trying to read these stories chronologically. The novella seemed sort of like a Night Huntress World book to me, because Bones was in it for only about five seconds. Which is probably why I hadn’t read it before, but I didn’t realize that until I was halfway through it. It was a good story, it just didn’t further the Cat and Bones story, so it served as a bit of a speed bump for me. I’m on a mission, and time is running out before the next book releases! Now on to more Cat and Bones goodness!
Merit: Just finished Destined for an Early Grave, Night Huntress book 4. Gregor gives a new vibe to the story, different and surprising. I love JF's imagination in this one.
I also read Undeniable, by Madeline Sheehan. One hell of a ride, crazy, messed up love story, highly emotional, angry and lustful, bad boy hero, Sons of Anarchy style and just the way I like it. "Name's Deuce sweetheart. My old man here is Reaper. It was nice talkin' with ya."
Natalie: Hello Wench readers! January has been a month full of nothing but new starts and that is a fabulous thing. As for my reading this week my goal is to finish Insurgent by Veronica Roth along with finishing The Knight in Rusty Armor by Robert Fisher. I do knot know why but Insurgent, the second book in this trilogy, has been a slow read for me. I've been enjoying it but it seems I was more invested in book one. The Knight in Rusty Armor is a reread for me, as I read it in my early twenties. I'm finding that in my thirties that I have the patience to listen to the lessons in the book better than I did when I was younger. It is a short read but a very impactful one. If I'm lucky to find some time this week I would like to start book three by Roth but we will see. Have a great week all! Natalie, Out!
Zee: I've been pretty much knocked out thanks to fever and flu meds. But been reading Jaye Wells's Dirty Magic, and having really screwed up/awesome fever-induced dreams about it.
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