The Wenches' Feverborn Giveaway!

Readers, because we're awesome, and Karen Marie Moning is awesome, and Feverborn was SO awesome (Wench review here) and there's just a whole lot of awesomeness going around, Team KMM is doing a giveaway just for our amazing, Saucy readers! 
Fever was a lot of firsts for us, our first few posts, out first group reread, first series we bonded over that had none of that team war stuff a lot of mediocre series were pushing at the time, first with a male lead you could NOT define (which I talked about here), first relationship between leads you could not label. 
Our fave relationship!
Just... a lot of firsts for us. And we remember them all fondly. We've been worshipping at the Feververse altar since this was a newborn blog in 2012, in case you're in the mood for some light reading, or are new followers, here are some of our posts! (You can also see some great Fever quotes by going through our Fever tag.)

Three Reasons My Husband Hates My E-reader
How Barrons Rocked My (Little Pink) World
Our Favorite Fever Quotes
Let The Music Do The Talking
Dani Mega O'Malley : Superstar
Born To Raise Hell : An ICED review
Words That Speak To Your Soul : Powerful Quotes from the Fever series.
Love, Fever style.
Setting The Fevered Stage : Parts I, II, and  III.
Fangirl Friday post on the Fever series.
Burned : Review and super spoilery discussion.
Life Lessons from the Fever series.
Powerful Quotes from the Fever Series Part II.
Our Favorite Characters from the Fever series (surprise twist: who AREN'T Mac or Barrons!)
The Wenches Feel the Fever (Feverborn in NOLA 2016)
The Good Times Roll On: The One Where The Wenches Become Maniacs in NOLA
Bring On The Wonder: The One Where The Wenches Were In Fangirl Heaven
Leave Out All The Rest : A NON Spoilery Feverborn Review.

So check them out, we promise you'll have just as much fun reading them as we had writing them! 
The Wenches have their copies, here's a chance for you to get yours!
And here, at last, is the giveaway! Super simple to enter for your chance to win a gorgeous copy of Feverborn, signed by the goddess herself!!! 

***US Residents only, please


  1. Christian. I'm hoping to see a heated confrontation/physical fight between him and Mac (possibly with the book controlling her) since she was the one who caused him to turn.

  2. Besides Mac and Jericho, I love Ryodan.

  3. Besides Mac and Jericho, I love Ryodan.

  4. I'm quite fond of christian, but following up really close is Dani.

  5. Christian because, you know, MacKeltar!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Christian and Dancer!

  8. Dancer, because he's a normal, albeit very smart, human that can keep up with the enhanced main cast of characters.

  9. I love all of the characters in the fever series!


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