What the Wenches Are Reading

There are a number of favorite authors on our reading lists this week, and a few of us taking chances on new authors. Click through to see what we're reading, and share your list in the comments below!

Amanda: Wrestling, dance, wrestling, dance, that's my life these days! And I love it!!! But I'm missing my reading. I think I'm in a reading slump!

Angela: I'm starting to really get into The Broken Eye (Lightbringer #3) by Brent Weeks. I can't believe how quickly Kip the Lip is growing up. That title probably doesn't really suit him anymore either. Plenty of intrigue and the magic system Weeks has created is captivating.

Anne: I finished both Fire Touched and Midnight Marked. Fire Touched was really enjoyable. Midnight Marked was incredible! I'm also super close to finishing The Fiery Cross. Poor Roger just can not catch a break in this book.

Barb: I am almost finished with rereading Some Girls Bite, and loving every single page. I'm sure I'll move right on to Friday Night Bites, revisiting why CLV is one of my very favorite series. I also started a romance ARC I got from NetGalley, that isn't really worth naming. It read like an author's first novel, but there wasn't enough smut to keep my interest, so I DNFed that sucker. Then I started another NetGalley ARC, Indigo Nights by Louise Bay. Light, frothy, and hot, this one is worth writing about. I also need to mention that I've been bingeing on Parks and Rec, laughing my ass off, falling head-over-heels for all of the characters and wondering why I didn't watch this show when it was on TV. I now want to be a combination of Leslie Knope and Ron Swanson when I grow up. 

Donna: This week I finished Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood. That's another check off my 2016 reading challenge - hmmm...what's next?

Kathi: I needed to read a book set in Africa for my SWBC reading challenge, so I decided to pick up The Sunbird, which a friend had recommended. Iโ€™m enjoying this story of adventure, love, and betrayal, set within a legendary lost city in southern Africa and doomed to repeat itself as the long-hidden ruins are discovered by a trio of archaeologists who are drawn to them.

Merit: This week I read Spotless (Spotless #1) by Camilla Monk.What a surprising, hilarious, wacky story. A quite nerdy IT engineer who loves smexy romantic novels and waits for her Mr. Right. A professional hit man with a bad case of OCD. He kidnaps her, and the fast pace fun and action begins. This story had me laughing a lot, the dialogue is great, the introductory quotes in the beginning of every chapter are priceless, and the slow-paced romance is just right. If you are looking for an engaging, lighthearted thriller full of humor, this is it.

Zee: This week I tried a few new authors. I was searching for some smut unsuccessfully when I came across Jordan Bell's Her Secret Pleasure which annoyed me for a lot of reasons that had nothing to do with the pretty great smut factor. I also read her Going Too Far. Which was HAWT. I thoroughly enjoyed Courtney Milan's The Governess Affair. I am so getting the series. I am also in love with Tessa Dare!!!! I read her books Romancing The Duke and When a Scot Ties the Knot and absolutely loved them. I laughed a lot. They were just such fun!!


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