Merit’s Joy of the Bite
(Chicagoland Vampires by Chloe Neill)
My love for Merit
has no limits, just like Merit’s love for food. I want to be her when I grew
up. I love her
fierceness and loyalty, her wit, her sense of justice and humor, her integrity
and compassion. I admire the way she has evolved. Merit’s growth through the series
is amazing. She starts as a graduate student in literature, does not have much of a social
life, and her world looks small and simple. She is changed into a vampire, a
change that leads to a character transformation. Nevertheless, this
transformation is based on her human inner self, which was exceptional before
she became a vampire. I think her conversion just sharpened her qualities and
brought them out.

One thing or quality
stands out from the beginning, regardless of her change: Merit’s love for food.
It’s as if food and her love for it is another character in the story.
Some of the funniest moments in the books involve food, and today I have selected a few
of those for us to reminisce about together.
Because there were so many to choose from, and I didn’t want this post to be too long, I limited myself to only a few moments from the first 3
books. I do hope you find them enjoyable, and
tasty, after the jump...
Morsels from Chloe Neill’s
About Merit...
As a human,
Merit was a graduate student in English literature. As a vampire, she’s a
warrior charged with protecting her vampire House. It’s a big change, and she’s
trying to adjust gracefully. And with much sarcasm.
About herself, Merit, and food...
The love of
reading, sarcasm, and chocolate is definitely me. I’m a vegetarian, so the
knowledge of fast food isn’t me per se, but as a former grad student, I can
relate to knowing how to eat on the cheap. The bits about dance and English
literature are the result of lots of research.
About the restaurants in the novels...
I often get
asked which restaurants and foods in the Chicagoland Vampires novels are legit,
and which are fictional. Here’s the running list:
Some Girls Bite
Molly’s Diner – Fictional
Giordano’s - Real
SuperDawg - Real
Hackney’s - Real
Red (Navarre House Bar) – Fictional
Temple Bar (Cadogan House Bar) – Fictional
Friday Night Bites
Blitz – Fictional, but based on those small-town “Dairy [Insert Noun]”
restaurants found all over the country Dairy Sweet in Lincoln, Nebraska is a favorite.
Twice Bitten
Little Red (NAC Pack) – Fictional
Saul’s – Fictional
Joe’s Chicken and Biscuits – Fictional
Morsels from the books
Some Girls
for drinking blood for the first time in a true Merit fashion:
We put it on
the island, along with a martini glass, an iced tea glass, a food thermometer, a bottle of Hershey’s chocolate syrup, and a jar of olives, both of us unsure how
best to attack.
We moved into
the kitchen, I put the bag on the kitchen counter and picked through it until I
found the paper box of fried crab-and-cream-cheese-stuffed dough and a container of sweet-and-sour sauce. I popped them both open, dipped a wrap in
the sauce, and bit in. They were still hot — and I groaned happily at the taste:
sweet, salty, crispy, creamy. Everything a newly changed vampire could want.
Ahh! Do you smell it? Are you feeling that amazing
taste and salivating yet?
“Eggs,” it turned out, meant a deliciously greasy breakfast. {snip} Mallory
and I followed Catcher and Jeff to a tiny aluminum diner situated in the shadow
of the El in a commercial neighborhood that had seen better days. {snip} When the
plates arrived minutes later, laden with greasy breakfast necessities, I tore
into the sausage. I sucked down three links immediately and made doe eyes at
Mallory, who handed me a fourth.
Watering your mouth, ha-ha? Merit does not feel guilty to wolf it down — go, girl!
At sunset I woke to a smell of tomatoes and garlic. ... I shuffled into the
kitchen and found Mallory and Catcher at the kitchen island, both tucking into
plates of spaghetti with meat sauce. My stomach growled.
It was nearly midnight when I returned to Wicker Park. The house was
empty. ... I was starving, so I made a ham sandwich, layered on some tortilla
chips, squished the concoction into a napkin, and carried it into the living
Pure bliss.
Say what you will about Morgan, his sandwich is a masterpiece:
pulled out a knife and a cutting board, then moved to a stack of sandwich items
he’d already arranged on the countertop — a loaf of nutty bread, mustard, mayo, ham
American cheese, Swiss cheese (an international cheese détente!), smoked
turkey, a jar of bread and butter pickle slices, black olives, lettuce, and a
tomato. In other words, the contents of our refrigerator but for the sodas and
blood. .. I grabbed the bag of tortilla chips from the other end of the counter
and handed them to him. “Layer of chips,” I solemnly explained. “Adds a good
crunch.” “Genius,” he said, then squished a layer of tortilla chips into his sandwich.
We both looked down at it for a moment, four vertical inches of deliciousness.
I’ll say it again: A Masterpiece!
Merit, on her appetite and hunger:
Weird thing about being a vampire — you
never knew you were hungry until you were around food. Then the urges kicked
One of my favorites. Ethan eats hot dogs:

“I am working,”
[Catcher] said, then
looked at Ethan. “I brought food. Let’s chat.” Ethan looks dubiously at the
paper bags. “Food?” “Hot dogs.” When Ethan didn’t respond, Catcher cupped his
hands together. “Frankfurters. Sausages. Meat tube, surrounded by a baked mass of
carbohydrates. Stop me if this sounds familiar, Sullivan. You live in Chicago for
Christ’s sake.” “I am familiar,” Ethan said drily. “My office.” The bags were
filled with Chicagoland’s finest — foiled-wrapped hot dogs in poppy seed buns,
coated in relish and onions and hot peppers. I took a seat on the leather couch
and bit in, closing my eyes in rapture. {snip} [Ethan] joined us on the couch,
deposited a hot dog on a dinner plate of fine platinum-banded china. Frowning, he
began sawing at it with a knife and fork, then carefully ate a chunk.
“Sullivan, just pick it up.” He glanced at me, spearing a chunk of hot dog with
his fork. “My way is more genteel.” I took another gigantic bite, and told him
between chews, “Your way is more tight ass.”
Yes! Tight ass, indeed.
Merit’s way to apologize:
Big-time apologies, since the last time I’d
seen her, I yelled at and insulted her, and prompted a sorceress to kick
her out of our house. To fix things I opted for a simple, classic
strategy — bribery. I was going to buy my way into her good graces with dozen
pink-and-white birthday cupcakes. I’d repackaged them in a shiny pink bakery
Friday Night
Ethan knows Merit, doesn't he?
“Would you like
me to give you a few minutes with the tray?”
I glanced up at Ethan,
my fingers poised over another beef cube, and grinned. “Could you, just? We’d
really like to be alone right now.”
Mallory is the best friend:
I didn’t bother
ringing the doorbell, but walked right in and headed for the kitchen. Which
smelled delicious. “Chicken and rice,” Mallory announced from her spot in front
of the stove, where she was spooning rice and sauce onto a plate. She heaped a
piece of roasted chicken on top of the combo, then smiled at me. “I knew you’d
want food.” “You’re a goddess among women, Mallory Carmichael.”
I rolled down
the window, and the smell of meat and potatoes and hot grease wafted through
the car. Oh, this was going to be good. I just knew it. He turned to look at
me, one eyebrow arched. “The Dary Litz, Sentinel?” “You’ll love it, Sullivan.
Smell those fries! That batch is just for you.” “We just had a meal of ceviche
and prawn parfait.” ... “Seriously — we ate
whipped shellfish, can you believe that? And you have made my point. Drive around.”
... I scanned the illuminated menu, vacillating between a single or double bacon cheeseburger
before deciding on the triple. {snip} I ordered enough for both of us — burgers, fries,
chocolate shakes, an extra order of onion rings. {snip} “You know,” I
said, biting into an onion ring, “I feel like would go a lot smoother for you
if you if you’d just admit that I’m always right.” “I’m willing to give you ‘right
about food,’ but that’s as far as I can go.”
Need I say more???
Twice Bitten
“I have cold pizza if you want some,” she said, “but I’ll warn you, it’s a little...different.” ... “How different?” “Catcher Bell different.” ... “How different could it be?” I asked. ... And then she placed the box on the island and flipped it open. I stared at it, tilted my head at it, trying to figure out, what exactly, he’d done to the pizza. “Is that celery? And carrots? And mashed potatoes.” It was like being dumped all over again, but this time by something I never imagined would hurt me.
Weird? Funky? Still, a pizza is a pizza, can’t resist one.
“There is no sincerer love than the love of food” ~ George Bernard Shaw. True words!
“... I was
thinking chocolate mousse.” I’d somehow become Ethan’s culinary guide to Chicago.
I’d gotten him to eat deep-dish pizza, to try Chicago-style hot dogs, and to
dive into a double bacon cheeseburger. I wasn’t sure I could take credit for the
chocolate since Margot put the tray together, but I figured my sheer enthusiasm
counted for something.
And that chocolate cake seduction scene. OMG
I plated up the chocolate cakes. When the
columns of chocolate — from the cake layer to the pillowy mousse to the deep
chocolate top — stood in the middle of crisp, white dessert plates, I grabbed two
silver forks. I turned to carry the plates back to the sitting area, but he was
already standing behind me. I offered up a plate and fork, and pricked the tip
of it into the top of the dessert, piercing through the layers. {snip} “Ha,” I said,
assuming his thoughts were lascivious, then lifted the tiers of velvet brown to
my lips. I closed my eyes as I reveled in it. It truly was chocolate heaven,
and Margot was a goddess.
Yes! Here starts that beautiful seduction scene, oh my...
These quotes are just the tip of the ice cake, or pizza, or greasy hamburger! There are many more priceless quotes out there in the Chicagoland Vampires world. I do hope these leave a good taste in your mouth and a craving for reading or rereading this awesome series!
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