What The Wenches Are Reading

“It wasn't until I started reading and found books they wouldn't let us read in school that I discovered you could be insane and happy and have a good life without being like everybody else.”
― John Waters
Amanda: I'm still reading HATE sex, and I like it! A lot! Ha! An unexpected and awesome surprise is that we get BOTH male and female POVs!!
Angela: India Black (Madam of Espionage #1) by Carol K. Carr has been on my TBR for a while and I finally decided to give it go. I have to say I loved it. It made me laugh out loud and I thoroughly enjoyed this Victorian mystery romp. It had a wonderful POV character in India Black, whose inner monologue kept me highly entertained. I finally finished A Red Rose Chain (October Daye #9) and I have to say I think it's my least favourite to date. I wonder if the series is starting to suffer from going on too long for me? I usually hit series fatigue around book #5, so I guess making it to book #9 is an accomplishment for me. I'm unsure at this point if I will carry on with the series. I also carried on with my Game of Thrones reread. So much foreshadowing in this book. It's wonderful to be back in Westeros and I'm taking my time to reread. It's my favourite series of all time and I'm savouring every little bit.
Anne: I finished Voyager, which I loved! I'd say it's my favorite so far. I decided my Outlander break audio book wouldn't be a book, but a series. So, I'm listening to The Hunger Games one more time before Mockingjay Part 2. As for regular reading, I'm on a Supernatural fanfic binge right now.
Barb: The only thing I read this week was From His Lips, by Leylah Attar, a novella from the POV of the hero of 53 Letters For My Lover (which I reviewed here). It was nice to get Troy's perspective on the turmoil that was their relationship. I did watch the entire first season of How To Get Away With Murder, which was amazeballs. I'm still looking for the next great read, so any suggestions would be appreciated!
Care: This week has been interminably slow for me. Too much time spent in research and educational research (and watching Doctor Who!), not enough time for reading. However, I did have time to chill with an old favorite: Divide & Conquer by Abigail Roux and Madeline Urban.
Kathi: Finished A Dance with Dragons!! I feel such a sense of accomplishment, and I’m just so amazed at how much I enjoyed the whole series! I do agree that the last third of ADWD dragged on and on, but I have high hopes that my favorite characters are on the cusp of exciting new storylines. Now I need to rewatch season 5 of Game of Thrones and settle in for the long wait for book 6 and season 6! In the meantime, my 2015 Saucy Wenches Goodreads reading challenge is winding down, and I still need to read a book that starts with K, so I started Kiss of Steel. Merit recommended this series awhile back, and I was thrilled to find a K book that looks interesting to me that I haven’t already read.
Merit: This week was fun. I’ve read Beautiful Stranger, the 2nd book in the Beautiful Bastard series by Christina Lauren. If you ever fantasize about making out with a super sexy British stranger in a dark night club, this one is for you. Yes, the plot is predictable, but it doesn’t really matter. It is a simple, witty, hot and oh so smexy story. Now I’m reading For You by Kristen Ashley. You know what you get with her books. For You has it all--suspense, drama, heartache, romance and great characters. So far a good read.
Zee: I have nothing to report. Haven't touched a book or my kindle all week.
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