What the Wenches Are Reading

A great book should leave you with many experiences, and slightly exhausted at the end. You live several lives while reading.
William Styron
Amanda: I'm working on reading two books right now. One of them is a new anthology titled Charmed & Dangerous by Jordan Castillo Price, et al. I've also picked back up with Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. I'm at 64% currently and still enjoying it.
Angela: This week I finished The Winter Sea by Susanna Kearsley and thoroughly enjoyed it. It's been too long since I've read a historical novel, and it made a refreshing break from my romance binge reading. I need to read more historical novels! I've now moved onto The Rest Falls Away by Colleen Gleason and am enjoying it as well. It's been a while since I've read a vampire story as well. I should mix it up more. I'm looking forward to eventually completing the series so I can finally read Kathi's review of the series.
Anne: I didn't have much time for reading this week. Working more than usual and Toddler Wolverine is cutting two of his canine teeth. So, he's just a bundle of joy at all hours. But lots of working means lots of Outlander listening time. I'm about a quarter done with Voyager and I'm really enjoying it. I like that get to hear so much of Jamie's perspective. And Roger, too. I like him.
Barb: Do you remember last week when I told you that I was probably going to have a major book hangover when I finished The Paper Swan that evening? Well I did. As I told you in my review, that book rocked my world. I finished it in about five hours and then spent the next five days slowly rereading and reliving each page of that magnificent book. I've also been listening to Leylah Attar's playlist for the book on Spotify all week. I think I'm ready to move on. I started reading a pair of pirate novellas from Wench favorite author Megan Hart, and so far it's very different from her usual novels that we love. No idea what I'll read next. Any suggestions of something amazing?
Donna: I'm rereading the Harry Potter series. I finished The Philosopher's Stone and The Chamber of Secrets. Next up is The Prisoner of Azkaban. So good!
Kathi: This week I’ve been working through the first quarter of my reading-order list for A Feast for Crows and A Dance with Dragons. I don’t know why I remain so surprised that I’m enjoying these books so much. I find them daunting to THINK about reading, but lots of fun to actually read! I also attended a fundraising event hosted by the Outlandia fan group to raise funds for a local food bank. Diana Gabaldon most graciously attended, answered questions in a fairly informal setting, and teased us with a reading from book nine.
Merit: My book for this week is The Adoration of Jenna Fox by Mary E. Pearson. A YA, sci-fi story. Jenna Fox is a 17-year-old girl who tries to piece her memory together as she wakes up after an accident. She can quote Henry David Thoreau’s Walden by heart but can’t remember herself, her family, and her life. This is a story about life and memories, it poses questions about the choices parents make for their children, whether they want it or not. It’s about being human, about world technology, is it good or bad. A surprisingly good quick read.
Shau: FINALLY!! I have time to read my fave!! Ilona Andrews and Magic Shifts are finally in my grabby hands and I'm already half way through. So far, I'm loving it. It it's not boring and the characters aren't completely predictable so I'm a happy camper.
Zee: I haven't really read much unfortunately. And my past three days have been spent in a bloody daze because of Bryan Fuller's Hannibal. Nothing else will do right now. Before I got ruined for everything else on the planet thanks to that finale, I read Alisha Rai's Falling For Him. Which was exactly what I wanted at the time. Short, sweet, and smutty.
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