What the Wenches Are Reading

― Betty Smith, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Amanda: I am still reading Outlander. It's good, but I feel like I need something that will grab me and not let me go. So, there's a new release titled HATE Sex by Billy Storm that I'm trying. I downloaded a sample from Amazon, which is a first for me! I would normally just buy it, but I thought, why not try it for free? I'm not that far into it, but the protagonist is quite a bitter person! LOL She's not really my cup of tea, but I want to see where this goes.
Angela: I've finished The Hathaway's series by Lisa Kleypas. I have to say Love in the Afternoon (The Hathaways #5) was easily my favourite. I adored Beatrix and Christopher's story. Also picked by Elizabeth Hoyt's The Raven Prince (Prince's Trilogy #1) and it was pretty darn amazing. If you love historical romance with a not perfect looking hero and finding his match then I can recommend you check out The Raven Prince. So many romance books have the hero as being drop dead gorgeous, it's refreshing to read a book where the hero isn't. Also still reading A Red Rose Chain by Seanan McGuire. It's probably the least action packed book of the series. Hence why I now thinking I'm reading it slowly.
Anne: I finished The Veil this week, which I loved and I can't wait for the next installment. And, I've got about 6 hours left of Voyager. I am really loving this one. So much happens! But, after Voyager, I'm due for an Outlander break. What should I listen to next? Any suggestions?
Barb: A few weeks ago on Twitter Alisha Rai mentioned that she wanted to read a romance featuring ballet dancers, and one of her followers recommended the District Ballet Company Series by Katherine Locke. Since I love ballet, and always have, I noted that recommendation and added it to my TBR, thinking it would be a fun, fluffy read. I read the prequel novella, not really expecting to be sucked in, but I was riveted from the beginning, completely captivated by Aly and Zed, and devoured the novella and both books in less than week. These were decidedly not light and fluffy, but realistic and intense. I loved this series, I loved these characters. Look for a full review soon. What shall I read next?
Care: This has been a week of ridiculous craziness. Hockey started again, birthday parties, car shenanigans... It's been a helluva time. However, that doesn't leave me with no time for reading, at least not really. This week I went through Play On, and Playing for Keeps, and am now in the middle of Playing to Win - all three much more careful rereads, looking for all the things I missed the first time, and oh, do I love them. More now than before, and SUPER excited to start talking about it!!
Donna: Alas, my TBR list is exactly the same as it was last week. We're in the middle of house renovations, so I've got a paint brush glued to my hand these days. Hopefully, I'll get to start on Kim Harrison's The Drafter this week.
Kathi: Finished A Feast for Crows!! *cheers* Down to the last dozen chapters of A Dance with Dragons!! There’s so much delicious meat in these books that we completely miss in the show. Thank you, Angela, for continuing to nudge me to read them, and to the Wenches who read them recently and shared their glowing reviews. Since I never got through The Lord of the Rings in college *hangs head in shame* I always thought these would be too long and boring for me, but I was very wrong. And because I’ve enjoyed this book series that I put off for years because it was loooong, I decided to tackle a TV show I’ve similarly put off. I’m now into season 3 of The Walking Dead. I had stopped watching after season 1 out of boredom, but season 2 hooked me. Now I’m seriously involved and it’s cutting into my reading time...
Merit: After waiting for too long (don’t know why), I’ve read Susanna Kearsley‘s The Firebird (Slains #2). I don’t know why I waited so long. I absolutely enjoyed her previous book, The Winter Sea (Slains #1). This is an enchanting story. I laughed I cried and enjoyed, once again, Susanna Kearsley clever writing. This story has everything I love, good plot with a pinch of fantasy, wonderful characters, mystery and romance and a minuscule lesson in history. I do love Susanna Kearsley books. I recommend reading Wench Donna's Fangirl Friday about SK and her books.
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