What the Wenches Are Reading

As the weather continues to chill in the Northern Hemisphere there's nothing better than curling up with a cup of something hot, a cozy blanket, and a good book. And we're reading some very good books. From Ilona Andrews's new series to the next Guild Hunter book, to checking off some reading challenge books, the Wenches have lots of selections to choose from this week. Click through to see what we're reading.
Amanda: This week I started reading Archangel's Shadows (Guild Hunter #7) by Nalini Singh. So far, it's feeling a little slow, but I'm not making any quick judgments yet. I know I have to get used to the manner in which this series is written, all over again.
Angela: This week I read The Restorer (Graveyard Queen #1) by Amanda Stevens. I really enjoyed it. The lead character is Amelia Gray and she has see ghosts. However this isn't a talent that is welcome. If a ghost can see that you see them than they can latch onto you and slowly suck out your life essence slowly. A welcome relief to have a heroine that whilst she has this ability she seems very much human who gets scared, who is self conscious and is willing to face danger despite her reservations. It is a teeny bit creepy, so read with the lights on and curtains shut.
Barb: Wench Olga (because once a Wench always a Wench) made a deal with me that she would read House of the Rising Sun if I would read Burn for Me. Since I'm trying to get everyone to read House, I agreed. I don't think she liked House all that much, which is fine. I finished Burn for Me in about five days, which is pretty good for a work week, and enjoyed the book way more than I thought I would. I highly recommend picking it up.
Care: I've been sick as a dog this week, but managed to make a little progress with Divide & Conquer, as well as Paradise Found from this year's So You Think You Can Write. I'm kind of sad there isn't more, but really, I'm sleeping more often than not, so I suppose it makes sense.
Donna: I haven't had time to read this week. Archangel's Shadows is calling my name, so hopefully I'll time to start it tomorrow.
Kathi: I’m reading Bag of Bones to complete my Goodreads reading challenge. It has been a while since I read a Stephen King book, and this one has been fun (and a bit creepy) to read by the fireplace in our basement as our evenings get dark earlier and earlier. If I start hearing ghosts, though, I’m going to have to move my reading upstairs where it’s not as cozy but it’s light and populated.
Merit: This week I‘m reading The Winter Sea by Susanna Kearsley. A slowly start for a captivating story. It is a story within a story, Carrie McClelland, a Canadian writer, writing a historical fiction while telling her personal story. It has a lot of plus points for me: historical fiction, set in Scotland (past and present), spinning the events leading up to the Jacobite rebellion in 1708, we get more than a glimpse at how a writer’s mind works and it is laced with romance. If you think Outlander, you are not too far off. Kearsley, like Diana Gabaldon, has the ability to bring characters and historical evens to life, but her voice, a beautiful one, is very different. Love it.
Zee: I have been reading a whole lot of regency smut since finishing City of Eternal Night in the past week. Kate Pierce's House of Pleasure series and Sinner's Club series to be specific. But the series were okay as they progressed so I needed something else to read. ALL the ladies were recommending Ilona Andrews's Burn For Me. And when I got a late night message from Head Wench Barb saying I HAD to read it NOW, I gave in. It did NOT disappoint. EXCELLENT read. Nevada is one of my favorite heroines and it's just been one book! I did not think that would happen since Kate Daniels never did it for me. But I adore Nevada. LOVE Mad Rogan, swoooon! He is a walking fantasy! There is nothing about this book I didn't like. Thank you Olga for making Barb read it! And Barb for making me read it!
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