What the Wenches Are Reading

For most of the Wenches autumn is firmly settled in allowing us to snuggle inside with great books. Almost everyone is reading something new and wonderful, from thought-provoking non-fiction to next installments in great series to brand new series from our favorite authors, we've got lots of choices on our plates this week.
Click through to see what we're reading, and share your reading list in the comments below!
Amanda: I finished up Burn for Me by Ilona Andrews. This first book in their new Hidden Legacy series is FANTASTIC!!! Look for my review coming soon!
Angela: It's been a bit of a reading week this week. After a bit of a slump I raced through Prince of Thorns (The Broken Empire #1) by Mark Lawrence and really enjoyed it. A nice, gory, bloody fantasy novel. My favourite type. I've now moved onto Tempest Rising (Jane True #1) by Nicole Peeler. Wench Beta has been recommending this to me for over two years or so and I've finally succumbed. It's made me snigger a couple of times and is quite humourous. Always a good sign that I think I'm going to enjoy this series. Beta, I promise it won't take me two years to be up to date. I hope.
Anne: I continued my slow reading of Patricia Briggs's Shifting Shadows. But, I'm going to put it down this week, for a Mockingjay re-read. I may actually re-read the whole series. I haven't decided yet. I'm also listening to the audiobook of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince on my commute. Jim Dale, the narrator, is amazing.
Barb: I was slogging my way through a series that I needed to finish but just wasn't working for me. With half of the last book to go I was already looking toward my next read. Then Friday, something magical happened: City of Eternal Night, the second book in Kristen Painter's Crescent City series was waiting on my doorstep when I got home from work. There went all of my weekend plans, which I was so excited to drop for this book I had been waiting for since August. I didn't mean to, I really didn't, but I finished it Sunday afternoon, and it was everything I had been looking forward to in this follow up to my best read of the summer, House of the Rising Sun. Eternal Night releases December 2, so look for a full review closer to that date.
Care: Still a little off-kilter, but I can feel it all coming back, thank goodness! This week I finished Sticks & Stones (finally!), and moved on to Fish & Chips. Also, in the Read Aloud portion of the event, we've moved from Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone right on in to Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Sharing the books, then the movies, with my son has been a wonderful experience!
Donna: This week I read The Hound of Bar Harborville by Nicole Peeler. It's a short story from the Jane True universe, and it's told from Anyan's POV. Jane and Anyan are busy parents who visit a charming B&B for a mini break. Anyan's hoping for some hot, sexy time with Jane...too bad a dead guy shows up to mess up his plans.
Kathi: This week I read This Changes Everything by Naomi Klein, who is one of my favorite nonfiction authors. It describes how our current form of globalized, mass-consumption capitalism is driving unprecedented environmental destruction and climate change, guidelines for a more sustainable economy and lifestyle, and ways that communities have begun to take matters into their own hands. She does tons of meticulous research and has a knack for making economic issues interesting and relatable. She tries to be positive and inspire readers to action, but the enormity of the obstacles she reveals and the scale of the destruction are absolutely horrifying, so this is ultimately an extremely depressing book. Still, I consider it essential reading, and I’ve been riveted.
Merit: This week I read two books; the first is Endless Knight by Kresley Cole, The Arcana Chronicles #2. Love this YA paranormal series, the tarot characters “game” story is pretty unique and intriguing. If you know KC’s Immortals After Dark series, just know this is very different. I’m waiting for the third book to come out. The second book I read was Shadowflame by Dianne Sylvan. Last week I told you I would read it, and I did. It was good, even better than I expected; I’m going on to the next book in that series.
Natalie: Where did the time go??? I seriously cannot believe it is November already and I have less than 2 months to complete my reading challenge of 50 books this year!!! I have six and a half books to go, as I'm just over half way through reading Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer for my annual reread of it. *Waves her geek flag proud!* In the last weeks I have managed to squeeze in If I Stay and Where She Went by Gayle Forman and both were phenomenal! I now cannot wait to cry my eyes out at the movie! I don't know where my reading time came from because 2014 has been a really busy year so far and the end is just as jam packed as the beginning. I managed to get some time with two of my favorite authors recently and completed Immortal by J.R. Ward and One Plus One by Jojo Moyes. Immortal was a great end to Ward's Fallen Angels series and I look forward to her other works. One Plus One by Moyes really hit the core of the plight of the single mother who is struggling to see a better life for her children. So glad I had time to curl up with some great books. I look forward to starting Blood Magick by Nora Roberts this week, the final in her Cousins O'Dwyer Trilogy, hope it wraps up well. So many books, so many books made into movies, and just not enough time! Hope you have a great week and hope that you used your extra hour this past weekend like I did to read!
Shau: After finishing Charley Davidson #7 I was happy to be greeted by Nalini Singh's Archangel's Shadow and I can't wait to find out more about Ashwini and Janvier.
Zee: I FINALLY picked up House of the Rising Sun! Head Wench Barb had been gently persuading *wink* me to read it for a while but I had been traveling and then I was in a book funk and I hadn't picked it up till today and OMG! I think I love it and I'm barely 30 percent in!!!! (I can see Barb doing an "I told you so" dance haha!) I LOVE AUGUSTINE! And the world is pretty awesome! Bye bye book funk!
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