TBR of a Saucy Wench

Do you have a lot of books on your e-reader or bookcase waiting to be read? I do, and today I sat down to make a list of them, partially to remind myself about these books that I had wanted to read and had forgotten about.

I thought I'd share these books with our Saucy Readers, and I asked a few Wenches what books they were hoarding, too. There's quite the eclectic collection.

Dear books:
We're sorry we have neglected you.
It's not your fault,
the blame lies entirely with us.

The reasons books are downloaded or purchased from a bookstore are varied. It's very easy to buy multiple novels when visiting your favorite book website. Maybe they were having a sale, maybe you found other books by a new author you love. A few clicks, and they're yours. One of my favorite things to do is to visit the bookshop. I have spent many happy hours going up and down the aisles, browsing through the titles, discovering books both old and new. Sometimes it's the author's name, recommendations from friends or shop staff, bestsellers list, book reviews, or the book jacket itself that grabs my attention.

Why are these books forgotten? Sometimes it's because real life is just too busy, whether it's work, family, or other obligations. Maybe you've gotten hooked on Netflix and just have to watch every single episode of Dr. Who before you do anything else. *shifty eyes* Sometimes, a new book is published that you've been awaiting anxiously for months or years (hello, Diana Gabaldon), and everything else is pushed off the table, so to speak.

So without further ado, here are books (in no particular order) that are on our To Be Read lists.

Wench Donna

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Wench Merit

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Wench Angela

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Wench Natalie

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Wench Anne

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Wench Kathi (who is the TBR Champion)

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Looking over the books on the other Wenches' TBR lists, it looks like I'll be adding quite a few of these to my own list. Oh dear! It looks like we really have our work cut out for ourselves! So many books, so little time....

What about you, reading enthusiasts? Do you have lots of books on your TBR lists? Doesn't it just bug you, knowing that you've spent your hard-earned money on books you know you'll love, but just haven't found the time to read? Hopefully, we'll all have some time off soon to catch up. I could go for a week or two of peaceful solitude right about now!


What books have you not quite gotten around to reading yet, Saucy Readers?


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