What the Wenches Are Reading
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Some of us have picked up the brand-new released of the next installment in a favorite series, while some are on pins and needles waiting for another new release. A few rereads, continuing with an epic saga, and tackling one of the world's most loved authors have been keeping the Wenches busy this week.
Click through to discover who's reading what, and share your reading list in the comments below!
Amanda: Well, I finally finished The King by J.R. Ward. I'm back in Westeros, Baby!! I am back to the combine reading of A Feast for Crows and A Dance with Dragons.
Angela: This week I've been reading 11/22/63 by Stephen King. It is a bit slow going, but I'm intrigued enough by the concept of time travel and the idea that you can step through a door and always be taken back to 1958. I'm a bit dubious though on the idea that is initially raised that each time you go through the door it resets changes that were made the first time you went through. I already suspect this is not always the case. Oh, and I never want to visit Derry, Maine as it seems like the most unfriendly, threatening place. I've since been told that a lot of King's work is set around Derry.
Anne: I'm re reading Shock & Awe by Abi Roux in anticipation of the release of Cross & Crown on the 7th.
Barb: I should be finishing up The Golden Lily tonight and moving on to The Indigo Spell. I've highlighted so much in this book, something I haven't done with a new-to-me series in some time. There is just so much foreshadowing, so many great lines, so much delight in this series.
Beta: No reading for me this week but that's ok, outdoors and indoors work have been taking my time lately and I've been loving it.
Kathi: This week I finished An Echo in the Bone. I could swear it wasn’t there before, but this copy I downloaded to my new e-reader has the first 7 chapters of Written in My Own Heart’s Blood (MOBY), so naturally I read those too. (I recognized a lot of Diana’s Daily Lines posts!) Then I reread A Leaf on the Wind of All Hallows and bawled my eyes out. Oh, how beautiful and painful that short story was! Then I reread A Space Between, and am really looking forward to seeing a couple of those characters in their own books. I’m also hoping we see Joan in MOBY. Now I’m reading (for the first time!) Lord John Grey and the Plague of Zombies, which I’m loving! And by the time you read this, I will be totally done with every Outlander-related book I know of and completely cast adrift without focus. Bereft. Forced to remember I have a very long TBR list. I wonder what will tide me over until MOBY releases on June 10?!?
Merit: Well, Sixth Grave From the Edge (Charley Davidson, #6) by Darynda Jones. Wow! what a rollercoaster, it is always wonderful to meet Charley, Reyes, and the gang again. We have a new, interesting player in the game which I love. I have two comments though, first: too many subplots, for my taste, second: Charley is still completely clueless about herself! Other people know so much more about her. I mean 6 books and she knows nothing yet!
Natalie: Wow! Crazy. I've missed several weeks of what we are reading. Sorry everyone I guess work and reading just kept me too busy from writing! In the last few weeks I managed to get books 1 & 2 completed of The Cousins O'Dwyer Trilogy by Nora Roberts. I have to say even though I'm guessing the plot points of Ms. Robert's books, I am enjoying them so far and I look forward to the final installment this fall. A month or so ago I had the great chance to meet Darynda Jones at a book convention here in my home town. It was at that convention that I was given a recommendation by Darynda to check out Marjorie M Liu's books. I took a stroll over to Ms. Liu's table where she had several books available for me to have signed. As we were talking about books and blogs she told me that she had one book about a Merman called In the Dark of Dreams. I was sold the moment she said "Merman" bought it, had her sign it, and took it home to read. Though it's book 10 in her Dirk & Steele series I was able to read it as a stand alone, but I will be picking up the others in the months to come. Fantastic read, even if I did get a little confused from time to time as to which character was talking at any given point. This weekend I started and finished Sixth Grave on the Edge by Darynda Jones and lets just say that, like a drug addict needs their next hit, I now badly need book seven. I am addicted to the world of Charley Davidson and just need more and sadly have to wait until October! *Cries her eyes out* To wrap up my long holiday weekend that we are having here in the States, I'm also finally checking of JR Ward's Possession, the fifth book in her Fallen Angels series off my TBR. I'm about 52 pages in and I'm thrown back into the battle of good vs. evil and seeing where our lead Jim Heron takes us! So Readers if you've not already picked up the Charley Davidson series, do it NOW! You will thank me for it. I hope you have a great week everyone and happy reading!
Shau: Well, not much time for reading these days. I'll probably do a bit of re-reading, the best of Kate Daniels Series by Ilona Andrews.
Zee: I'm on the last Bloodlines book, and I won't lie... I'm taking it really slow because I want to keep it going. I am LOVING it. The Fiery Heart is probably going to make me want to read the next book, which isn't out yet, immediately! Dammit!
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