What the Wenches Are Reading

Click through to see what we've been reading! And as always, let us know what you've been reading lately, Saucy readers!
Amanda: I am still working on The King by J.R. Ward. It's currently dance competition and Little League baseball season, but I hope to get The King finished up this week!
Angela: This week I've been reading The Book Thief by Markus Zusak in a buddy read with a friend. After a rocky start, in which I found the dialog hard to get into, I'm enjoying the book a lot more as it's gone on. However I can't find myself being emotionally invested and I'm unsure if this is to do with the fact the books is set in Nazi Germany or the narration just doesn't gel with me. I think it's the latter.
Anne: I finished Abi Roux's Gravediggers Brawl which I loved! I haven't decided on what to read next.
Barb: In the continuing adventures of "Barb can't stay focused on anything" I got about three chapters into Frost Burned, and it was great but I got distracted by...I don't even know what. Harry Potter lists on Buzzfeed, I think. I pulled out Sorcerer's Stone, but never even opened it. Then I remembered that I had picked up The Color Purple Nook Book when it was on sale, so I started it. And, as disturbing and difficult as it is, I can't seem to put it down. So, hopefully I can stay focused on that and actually finish a book! Sheesh.
Care: This week I'm finally getting my groove back! I've been off reading for the last week trying to get back into the swing of things after we had our trip out of town. I'm starting S. E. Jakes' Catch a Ghost (Hell or High Water #1), and am finding myself sucked in at an incredible rate!
Kathi: I’m rereading An Echo in the Bone and waiting for the other wenches to join me in a buddy read. I don’t expect to have much reading time since it’s gardening season, but I’m in no rush. And I’ve had to interrupt my reading to watch the new Starz Outlander trailer a million times, so that has slowed me down, too.
Merit: This week I skimmed, and still am, through Darynda Jones’s Charley Davidson series, trying to remember Reyes's many qualities, and quotes. These books are so good! I also read Daughter of Smoke & Bone by Laini Taylor. But I found it hard to get invested in the story; I almost put it down a few times, but decided to go on, for now.
Natalie: This week I started Dark Witch by Nora Roberts it's book one in The Cousins O'Dwyer Trilogy. It's a nice and easy read, and that is helpful for me as I'm battling a nasty spring cold. So when I drift off into nap land I'm dreaming of old magic, horses, and family! I have Book Two ready to go when this one is done and then it's off to my pile of new books from the Barbara Vey event where I got to meet Darynda Jones! Happy Reading everyone!
Shau: I'm reading Burning Dawn by Gena Showalter and loving it. Hope it stays awesome till the end.
Zee: I had a really long flight and managed to get some reading done on it. I finally made some progress with the Vampire Academy series. Finished Blood Promise, Spirit Bound and started Last Sacrifice. My fave characters remain, as always, Lissa, Adrian and Christian (and I like Sydney). Rose is pretty blah, and completely the same in the last book as she was in the first despire everything. And the whole main couple holds zero appeal for me. I feel nothing for them.. which surprises me since so many people root for them! And I can root for couples in short, trashy romances if there's something there! I'm kinda sad about it. (Plus Adrian is such a great boyfriend... she's terrible to still be with him while she's in love with someone else.) Can't wait to get these done with and start Bloodlines!
Well, I have to say that Burning Dawn was an ok read. Gena's books are starting to have a copy/paste HEA. Not to mention all this "righteous man with a chip on his shoulders hating his woman" story she has in a lot of her books, mostly in Angels of the Dark but still...It wold be fun to try and write a slightly different story for a change.