Our 1000th Post!

We believe in celebrating milestones and anniversaries around here, and today we've reached a milestone.  This is our One Thousandth post!!!

We could not have made it this far without all of our amazing readers! The ones who love all the same books and authors as we do! The ones that don't and we have the best book debates with! The ones who love all the same book boyfriends! The ones that recommend books that have become favorites! It just would not be the same without you!

So thank you. We love you.

And to all our new Saucy readers. We can't wait to get to know you! Welcome to the family.

As a big thank you to our readers, we're giving away a terrific prize pack. Take part in our Giveaway below :

**International Entries Welcome


  1. I love all the Fan Girl Friday posts!

  2. Fan girl Friday posts and everytime Bones and Vlad make it into a post! Love love love Bones and Vlad!

  3. I love the post that analyzes the Fever series and the Downside Ghosts series. I love the Fangirl Fridays too.

  4. Congrats, dears! All of your posts are wonderful because they add something special to each book. You make reading even more awesome than it already is!

    1. Moose! That is the sweetest thing I've heard today! Thank you! :* Reading is so much more fun when you can talk about it.

  5. This one?! Honestly, giveaways are always a draw for me. :) Congrats!

    1. Cate Love the honest answer! Hope you find other posts that you like as well!

  6. You did something for Chicagoland vampires that was great. Was it a group review?

    1. Oh, thank you, Margaret! Zee and I especially, have a hard time controlling ourselves where Chicagoland is involved. We've partner reviewed House Rules and Biting Cold, and did a post-mortem together for Wild Things. HOW amazing was Wild Things, BTW???

    2. Care and I did the post on The Wenches invade Chicago; it has a great caption of our Barb being speechless! (giggles)

  7. Quote of Day is fun. Like all your reviews, though.


  8. Congrats on the 1000th post. I really love the quote of the day because sometimes it introduces me to new authors and others it reminds me of books I need to read again.


    1. Thanks Racheal. It's so great to remember fond moments from our favourite books. I blame the other Wenches for my overflowing TBR.

  9. Swag received. Thanks ladies!


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