What the Wenches Are Reading
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Most of the Wenches have had a long weekend with family and friends! (Which I'm sure our readers understand) But most of us did make some time to read. Naked werewolves, sexy Master vampires, dangerous women and an assortment of other characters, old and new, have been keeping us occupied.
Click through to see what books we've been reading this week!
Amanda: I finished Archangel's Legion, and started Shock & Awe by Abigail Roux. I'm into Nick and Kelly more than I thought I would be. I love getting to know their characters a little more with this novella.
Angela: My reading has been hijacked by fanfiction this week. I've been reading Teen Wolf fanfiction and throughly enjoying the change of pace after Drums of Autumn (Outlander #4) the last few weeks. Imagine my surprise when I went shopping and Dangerous Women edited by George R.R. Martin and Gardner R. Dozois was available. I've already read the GRRM one and enjoyed it, however don't expected it to be written in the style of A Song of Ice and Fire.
Anne: Not much time for reading this week. I've just been flitting around reading a few pages here and there of old favorites. I blame my lack of focus on my impending child. He or she is demanding all of my focus. Five weeks to go!
Barbara: I finished One Foot in the Grave, in my leisurely reread of the Night Huntress series. Then paused in that to read the novellas released recently from two fabulous series. First was Rusted Veins, a Sabina Kane novella that takes place after the final book. Then it was Close to You, a Downside Ghosts holiday novella. Unsurprisingly, I loved them both. Both authors were able to quickly transport me back to their worlds and tell complete stories in a limited number of pages. Look for a more thorough review of these novellas later in the month. Now, I am back on to my Night Huntress reread with At Grave's End.
Beta: I've been pretty busy with Christmas preparation so I haven't had much reading time. But I just started reading a book that my sister-in-law recommended and loaned me, it's called รsjรกlfrรกtt by Auรฐur Jรณnsdรณttir... yeah I know, probably not something most of you can pronounce ;)
Care: Life has smacked me in the head. Between hockey, mom-ing (hockey mom-ing?), the holidays, a friend preparing to move out of country, and Once Upon A Time sucking my soul away... I've had very little time to actually be reading. More articles and research-work for me recently, with Susan Daniels' Living With Intensity.
Kathi: Finished rereading Drums of Autumn and absolutely loved it, more this time than the first time! Started reading a Lord John Grey novella, Lord John and the Succubus.
Merit: I was looking for a lightweight read this week, as I had a lot of work renovating a part of my house. Browsing through my TBR list, I found Molly Harper's book How to Flirt with a Naked Werewolf, I liked the name and yes, it was such a good decision. This is my first Molly Harper book and I just loved it. Itโs funny, witty, steamy and sweet. Mo, the heroine leaves her Mississippi home for a small rural Alaska town; she canโt get far enough from her Hippie parents (hilarious descriptions of the couple), so in Grundy, Alaska she finds a different way of life, great friends and a sexy Werewolf. I think I laughed in every chapter, the plot is good, and there is even some mystery, a simple, delightful treat.
Veronica: Still working my way through the PsyCop series by Jordan Castillo Price. I'm up to #6, GhosTV. There are only seven books published in the series, and I have no idea if more are planned. But there are plenty of shorts and flash fics to keep me company. This is one of those series I'll be very sad to finish.
Zee: I haven't had a lot of time to read lately thanks to family. I did get Nothing O'Clock by Neil Gaiman, an Eleventh Doctor story, right on time for the 50th anniversary episode, looking forward to finishing it! As everything Gaiman & Doctor Who, it is VERY enjoyable. I really want to start my Night Huntress reread, but between my mood and having no time, just haven't gotten around to it!
Kathi, I have reread the whole Outlander series these past months, now rereading the Lord John books, currently on "Ld John and the Private Matter". Besides, I'm looking forward to reading Diana Gabaldon's novella "Virgins", part of the Anthology "Dangerous Women" (just released) ! Christiane