Pour Some Sugar On Me

The Holiday season is the perfect time to indulge & the Wenches love the sugar rush we get from man candy, and fangirling. And who among us hasn't enjoyed browsing through all of our old Man Candy posts? As we come to the end of this year, I thought it would be fun to look back at the men that dominated our fantasies (NC-17 rated or otherwise) in the past year!

Of course it is!
So here's a list of men who made our 2013 a little more attractive. Click through to drool with the Wenches!

Sam Heughan : 

Gotta start with one of our favorite new (well, not exactly new, but new in the book world) faces this year. This casting of Sam Heughan as Jamie Fraser had everyone's fantasies coming to life. Even people who had zero interest in the Outlander novels. 

Definitely want it
whatever way you say it
He seems to have embraced the role with a passion, and we love that. Add that to him being ridiculously pretty, VERY fan friendly, and always smiling, and we kinda lost our hearts to him before we even knew much about him.

The Wenches can't wait to see him in a kilt on our tv screens!

We bet you are Sammy boy.

Tom Mison :

A lot of us were waiting for the new Sleepy Hollow series on Fox. Little did we know we'd get acquainted with the oh-so-pretty Tom Mison because of it (or reacquainted, for those who knew him from his days on British telly, or as Potty Perone from Parade's End...) 

Boy did he make an impression from pretty much the start. Ichabod Crane has never been more lovable! We love the sassiness and sarcasm he brings to the character! Not to mention the joy and wonder (and sometimes puzzlement) at modern day amenities. 

Not to mention his remarkably handsome face, and those eyes! Please Sleepy Hollow writers, never clip that gorgeous mane!

The Wenches will be there!

Orlando Jones :

Another man on the list from the very awesome Sleepy Hollow. Who hasn't loved Orlando Jones since forever? (No, seriously, who? I need to find them and gently explain to them why they are wrong.)

Sexy wearing a white shirt and a gun holster. Yes please.
It is a little unreal how attractive the three main characters are, but I'm not complaining. I haven't seen a white shirt and a gun holster look THIS good in a long time. Add that to his no-nonsense attitude on the show and we are in love!

I mean, I'd probably add him even if he wasn't playing Frank Irving, because, lets face it, Orlando Jones is awesome! Word of advice, follow him on twitter. Totally worth it. For now, let's take a moment to remember how freaking amazing he looked in that SWAT uniform. 

Jamie Dornan :

I'm going to apologize in advance to anyone who reads this, but I'm going to be THAT person for a second and tell everyone that Head Wench Barb, me and Wench Anne called dibs on this hottie WAY before all of you heard of him because of certain casting news. (I apologized! Don't hate me!)

Season one of Once Upon A Time introduced us to this wonderful, sexy man. We were absolutely smitten, especially by the end of his story arc in the first season. Then we saw the GQ spreads and the Calvin Klein ads. Yum. Many also enjoyed his amazing performance in The Fall, where he proved to everyone watching he was more than just a (very) pretty face.

While I, personally, can't say I'm looking forward to his next big role, I wish him well! And I know that a lot of the Wenches are eagerly anticipating it! We know he'll kill it! 

Colin O' Donoghue :

I first saw Colin in The Rite as a young, skeptical priest. Of course I noticed him, he was so pretty, and fresh faced. And such a good actor. But then came Hook (Once Upon A Time) and oh my... did we notice him.

Lord, he is irresistible as the very sexy Hook. Is it any wonder we've accepted him as the ultimate book boyfriend, Bones? 

We're definitely hoping that our 2014 is full of Colin as Hook. Come on casting people, he needs to be on our screens all the time! And not just because when he smiles we forget pretty much everything else.

 Joseph Morgan :

Anyone who tells me Joseph Morgan ISN'T the most adorable vamp on television right now is just plain wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong! I want to thank the powers that be for The Originals because my tolerance for TVD was running dangerously low, but I still wanted to watch it for Klaus, easily the most compelling character on the show.

Joesph Morgan plays Klaus with a brilliance few can match. A character that is simultaneously chilling and endearing. One that makes you smile along with him when he flashes those dimples at even the most heinous act he committed. But a character you want, more than anything, to be redeemed and to find love and peace of mind.

I'm not even going to mention that insanely sexy voice. Because then I'll start thinking about it... and then I'll forget what I was talking about.... 

Daniel Gillies :

Of course he's on this list. Of course. Before the world got to know Klaus, there was Elijah. And Daniel Gillies is a DREAM in that role. The noble Original who always kept his word, never raised his voice, loved his family before everything else, had us wanting him in every single episode! A lot of our earlier grievances with Klaus have to do with keeping this undeniably attractive Original staked in a box.

Hard to believe this WASN'T supposed
 to be a sexy, romantic interlude.
I feel the need to mention how he, like his brother, manages to have sizzling hot chemistry with EVERY single person they share the screen with. While we are left fanning ourselves at the encounters. 

Not to mention he always looks like a walking commercial for Armani! Effortlessly perfect! I know a lot of people are often confused by his tweets, but following him on twitter is the best kind of entertainment! If you like the slightly twisted, unapologetic, but extremely funny and witty side of him, follow him! 

Chris Hemsworth :

I'd be an idiot not to add this gorgeous hunk of a man to ANY list of man candy. I have yet to meet a single man or woman who doesn't think he is one of the most beautiful things alive. 

I mean, seriously, has anyone ever seen him look anything less than breathtakingly gorgeous? Because I sure as hell haven't. I wish someone could convince him to always keep his hair Thor-like, not many men can pull that off, but he does. 

Anyone else think he IS Thor? Because no mere mortal could look that amazing flying around in a cape, swinging that hammer. We all worship the God of Thunder at the Wenches'.

Idris Elba :

I love seeing Elba on the big screen. So much. Pacific Rim, Thor, Prometheus. It's been great. But it all started on shows like The Insiders and The Wire for me. And more recently, Luther (I'm still hoping they make another season or a movie... I wasn't ready to say good bye.)

Idris Elba is a joy to watch on screen. And not only because he is a beautiful, BEAUTIFUL man. He's smart, witty and hilarious. Just watch any of his interviews (bonus : his voice.)

Smart, sexy and talented as hell. What's not to love?

And I'll be waiting!

Karl Urban :

It would be very remiss of me not to add the sexy Kiwi, Karl Urban in our list this year. Since a few of the Wenches have been relegating him to book boyfriend roles and fangirling about him (here).

But even before that, the world has been enjoying all things Urban since ร‰omer in The Lord of the Rings. Or his more recent stint as Bones (Leonard McCoy) in J.J. Abrams's Star Trek movies. 

Lets hope we'll be enjoying more Karl Urban on our screens for years to come. I hear he's great in the new series, Almost Human, but have yet to get around to it. 

Michael Ealy :

UNF! That is pretty much all I can say about Michael Ealy when I look at him. The man is BEAUTIFUL with a capital B. I mean... for God's sake, look at that face! 

(What can I say, I'm a sucker for kittens too)
As if it wasn't bad enough that he was this unbelievably good looking, he's a great actor too (Think Like A Man... SO good. And Their Eyes Were Watching God, great movie.) 

Basically, every year on my birthday I am supremely disappointed that this man has not been delivered to my door step wearing nothing but a bow. For real. 

Alexander Skarsgard : 

Ah, the man who kinda brought us all together. Another no-brainer on our list. The lovely, adorkable, so very pretty Swede, Alexander Skarsgard. 

His incessant onslaught on our ovaries started a long time ago on True Blood, and for a lot of us, he was the best thing on the show. Pretty much the only reason we tuned in week after week. Lets just say we have been pretty relieved, and overjoyed, at how many other things we can now watch him be amazing in. 

Scruffy Skars, blond Skars, brunette Skars, vampire Skars, naughty Skars, sexy Skars, dorky Skars...we'll take him any which way we can get him!

David Gandy :

There will never be a Wenches' Man Candy post without some delicious Gandy Candy. Ever. Not as long as Head Wench Barb and I still breathe. And not as long as David Gandy still loves puppies as much as we do!

We've talked about how awesome we think Mr.Gandy is here, and it really does make him all the more attractive to us. 

Loves animals, looks adorable in glasses, can rock a suit (or anything... or nothing) like few others and is wonderful to his fans. Who could resist? Not to mention being dangerously, wickedly, not-good-for-your-health sexy. Did I mention he's also one of our favorite alphas in a book EVER? (In case you're curious about who it is, here.)

(I almost didn't add the next three because going through pics and gifs to add to the post is SHEER torture. These are my life ruiners. Dominating not just 2013, but years before them. I also hesitated to add them, because, and I know it's weird, I don't want to share them! But since we're all friends here...)

Benedict Cumberbatch : 

*SIGH* Benedict Cumberbatch. You have ruined me man.... ruined me! I curse the day I was so bored I put my weird book purist hang ups aside and tuned in to the first episode of Sherlock in 2010 to be completely and utterly smitten by you and Martin Freeman. I had seen him before that on Miss Marple, but wasn't completely a goner till Sherlock.

Forgetting for a second how irresistibly sexy I find him, the man is a fucking chameleon when it comes to his roles. Not to mention completely charming, disarmingly humble, wonderfully polite, well read, and a total goof ball at times in real life.

He's also one half of (one of) my fave onscreen romances
I could go on, believe you me. But will probably need both a cold shower (because, duh, that voice!) and a shoulder to cry on once I'm done. So I'll end this now.

Richard Armitage :

I think I should thank British television and Agatha Christie for helping me come across these amazing actors. I first saw Richard in Agatha Christie's Marple (same way I first saw Benedict.) Then came The Vicar Of Dibley, and North & South. And that was it. There was no going back. 
Also one half of an epic romance.
This tall drink of water is not only amazingly good looking, but a great performer! I'll admit, I love it when he plays the villain. He is so very convincing! Ladies, watch his interviews, the man has the silliest sense of humor, and the most adorable laugh. Guard your hearts, it's too late for me.

I'd like to take a moment to thank Peter Jackson (who always has impeccable taste) for casting him as Thorin Oakenshield. I thought I knew how good he was, but till The Hobbit, clearly, I had no idea just HOW good he is. 

Tom Hiddleston :

Tom Hiddleston. Please excuse me while I sit in a dark corner and cry thanks to this ridiculously perfect being. And his ridiculously perfect smile that is easily THE most contagious smile on the planet (and the seven realms.)

JFC Tom... 
He is literally THE perfect man. Cultured, insanely well read, totally goofy, willing to make fun of himself, loves to dance, puts himself out there to help people, a gentleman, and just an all around nice guy with a refreshingly positive outlook on everything.

If I could ever meet the man, once I was done convincing myself it's not a dream, I'd love to ask him just how he maintains his wonderful attitude about life and people. Because honestly, I'm a wee bit envious. Lovely, wonderful, beautiful, sexy, funny, smart Tom. Always be you.

Honorable Mentions :

Charlie Hunnam :

We've seen his acting chops, amazing body and gorgeous hair on Sons of Anarchy. And Pacific Rim was a whole other league of awesome, where he played possibly the nicest, sweetest, most straightforward and non-douchey alpha ever seen on screen. We're hoping we get to see lots more of Charlie in the months to come. 

Joseph Gordon Levitt :

Guys. It's Joseph Gordon Levitt. This requires no explanation, any year! His lip sync battle with Stephen Merchant and Jimmy Fallon made my 2013, though.

Scott Eastwood :


We came across him this year on buzzfeed here. We don't really know much about him other than the fact that he got great genes from his dad. Just thought we'd share the pretty with our readers. 

P.S. On a personal note;

Matt Smith :

As a life-long Whovian, I feel like my 2013 would have been a little less adorable without Matt Smith in it. 

I'm not the biggest fan of the Eleventh Doctor's showrunner, and Four, Five, Nine and Ten will always be my Doctors. But a regeneration is always something to be sad about (even if the episode itself sucked) so Matt, goodbye. You'll be missed as one of the few things I liked about the last two seasons of Doctor Who.

And good luck! May you find writers who fully utilize your amazing talent in every possible way. 

Hope you enjoyed all the Man Candy, Saucy readers! Let us know if there is anyone you'd want us to include next time! HAPPY NEW YEAR from the Wenches!

*all gifs from tumblr. None of them belong to the Wenches. 


  1. Great Zee! I love your post. Feast for eyes and mind, didn't have that much sweets for a long time. I love at least 2/3 of this list.

  2. Loved this post Zee. Definitely saw some of my favourites there. Thank you.

  3. I think you just killed me with the Hiddleston dancing clip. And oh, the Kermit impression! I have to bookmark this to just scroll through in times of extreme distress!! ๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ

    1. Hiddleston is a ridiculously good dancer..sigh. And so freaking irresistible.

      That's what these posts are for! A pick me up in times of need ;) you are very welcome!


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