What the Wenches are Reading

This week the Wenches are still busy reading several different series, some old favorites and some new (or unfamiliar to us), mostly PNR/UF, with guest appearances by a couple of other genres.

Since Chloe Neillโ€™s next book is due out in ONE week (!!!), there is a predictable spike in the number of Wenches rereading her previous books. Looks like many Wenches have caught the semi-annual Chicagoland Vampires fever!!

We hope youโ€™ll click through to see what weโ€™re reading, and to share what youโ€™re reading with us!



Amanda: Iโ€™m still reading Magic Slays (Kate Daniels 5#) by Ilona Andrews. Kate is such an awesome kick-ass female!

Anne: My skimming of Chicagoland Vampires has turned into a full-on reread. I just started Friday Night Bites. I might have to skip right to Biting Cold after that to be done in time for House Rules. Iโ€™m also progressing pretty quickly through the audio version of A Dance with Dragons (A Song of Ice and Fire #5) due to some unexpected car trips.

Angela: I need to go to the library and pick up Voyager (Outlander #3) by Diana Gabaldon. Currently reading bits of A Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice and Fire #1) to finish my next post. I also need to read the next installment of The Flesh Cartel.

Barbara: I had to pause in my reread of Friday Night Bites to read my advance copy of House Rules. I finished that sucker in a day-and-a-half, because I couldnโ€™t put it down. Now Iโ€™m continuing with Friday Night Bites and the rest of the Chicagoland Vampires books.

Beta: Iโ€™ve been going through the CLV books, same as last week, as well as spending time with Jamie Fraser and his gang in The Fiery Cross (Outlander #5).

Donna: Iโ€™m still rereading Dragonfly in Amber (Outlander #2). I wish RL would piss off so I could read some more.

Katherine: Iโ€™m reading Chasing Magic (Downside Ghosts #5) this week. Have I mentioned lately how much I LOVE TERRIBLE?? Stacia Kane is a genius!

Kathi: I finished my reread of Voyager, then started a couple of standalone books while waiting for Chloe Neill's new book. Bel Canto, because Iโ€™ve been hearing praise for Ann Patchettโ€™s writing style for a long time. (My friendโ€™s recent nagginggushing about her moved her up my TBR list!) Beautifully written story about a group of international strangers bonding through their mutual love of music while they are being held hostage. Also Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief , an in-depth report on the inner workings of Scientology by a Pulitzer-Prize-winning author, because Iโ€™ve been waiting a long time for a book on this subject matter. Next up is a reread of Biting Cold before House Rules!

Merit: Iโ€™m rereading Chicagoland Vampires, almost at the end of Friday Night Bites, falling in love again with this story. In between Iโ€™m reading a book sent to me by a friend: Captured by Erica Stevens, the first in The Captive series. I canโ€™t make up my mind about it yet, but canโ€™t stop reading.

Olga: I just finished A Trace of Moonlight (Abby Sinclair series) by Allison Pang, which is the third book in what, rumor has it, is supposed to be a trilogy. I just hope this is not the case, because even though it does have a feel of completion, Iโ€™m just not ready to give up these characters.

Shau: Iโ€™ve been devouring the 4th Kara Gillian book. Iโ€™m starting the 5th (Touch of the Demon) tonight. Canโ€™t wait!! The fourth finished with a cliffhanger, and now Iโ€™m just waiting to finish work so I can go home and start the 5th.

Veronica: Iโ€™m back to Game of Thrones this week.

What are you reading this week, Saucy Readers? Is anyone else excited about next weekโ€™s book release of House Rules?


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