What the Wenches Are Reading

Quite a variety of books on our list this week! From continuing rereads to new releases from favorite authors to Wench recommendations to next-in-series, we've got lots to choose from. Click through to see what we're reading. What's on your list, Saucy Reader?
Angela: I finished Gardens of the Moon by Steven Erikson and it was good. High fantasy and world building at it’s finest. Looking forward to reading the next book in The Malazan Book of the Fallen series, Deadhouse Gates on December. I also read the next book in the Graveyard Queen series The Sinner (5) by Amanda Stevens. An enjoyable addition to the series, however I have to say that after the excellent The Visitor (4), it wasn’t quite as good as it’s predecessor. Dare I say, as you know I’m not really a person who reads scary books, The Sinner wasn’t spooky enough. I know, it defies belief. That being said this is still a series well worth checking out.
Anne: I am up to Biting Cold in my CLV re-read, after a brief fanfiction detour. These books just get better and better. In the audio book world, I’m just about done with Bloodfever. I’ll most likely finish it today. I think I’ll move right on to Faefever. Being in Dublin is just making me more and more excited for the Wench NOLA trip in January!
Barb: I’m almost done with Darkfever!!! I would have finished it, but I got distracted by Sierra Simone’s new release, American Queen. As you’ll recall, Sierra Simone wrote one of our favorite books of 2015, Priest. To a one, every Wench who read Priest loved it, both for it’s impeccable smut and also for the riveting story. Well, American Queen lived up to Priest, with “holy shit did that just happen???” smut, an emotional story and a wonderful literary theme weaving throughout. Look for a full review soon. Now I’m finishing up Darkfever and deciding whether Bloodfever is next, or I’ll reread another Chicagoland Vampires book, or.....something else. So many choices!
Donna: So much for good intentions... I was so sure I’d get Darkfever finished over the past week, but no such luck! Work is getting super busy now, and there is some family drama to contend with as well. I hope this week brings a little quiet time that I can spend reading.
Kathi: I’m nearing the end of my Voyager reread, and when I’m done I’ll have completed my 2016 reading challenge with the Saucy Wenches Goodreads group and I don’t have a clue what to read next. I’ve got plenty to choose from, but I don’t want to start a long series because I plan to reread a few Fever books before the new release in January. For the moment, though, I’m completely captivated by Claire and Jamie’s adventures in the Caribbean, which I can picture much better after taking a cruise in that area a couple of years ago. Will I be able to resist picking up Drums of Autumn?? I also finished watching season 3 of A Place to Call Home and don’t have access to the current season 4. I’m in abject misery over some of the cliffhangers, and raging mad about some others… Um, thanks a lot for getting me hooked on this series, Merit… ;-)
Merit: I’ve been on vacation visiting NYC, which is like watching many diverse, colorful stories unfolding all around me, so I’ve had no time for reading stories in books this week!
Zee: Not a lot of reading for me despite my best efforts. I did start Liane Moriarty's Big Little Lies. I'm looking forward to it once I get into it. I LOVED her The Husband's Secret. And both Barb and Angela recommended this one.
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