What the Wenches Are Reading

Click through to see what we're reading this week! 

Angela: Iโ€™m still on my Dresden Files series read. Book 6, Blood Rites by Jim Butcher, is probably my favourite book in the series to date. There is plenty of action, and I love the books whenever Karrin Murphy is on the scene. The Dresden Files just gets better and better. 

Anne: I am into Wild Things on my Chicagoland Vampires reread. I donโ€™t remember too much about this book, for some reason. I also did a quick read of some Supernatural fanfiction. I am into Dreamfever in my Fever listening. Happy Thanksgiving and happy reading to all!!

Barb: I finally finished Darkfever!!!! Whew. Now I'm back to finishing up I'm Judging You, which is phenomenal. Next I'm going to try tackling the Autobiography of Malcolm X again. I put it aside earlier this year because it got difficult to hear, but it seems even more important now that I make myself hear and witness. I also have a host of books lined up about the two-century (and counting!) struggle for equality in America. Necessary reading. 
Donna: I finished up my Darkfever audiobook, and Bloodfever is loaded up ready to go. This will be a super busy work week, but I hope to have a little time reading. Wish me luck!

Kathi: I finished rereading The Scottish Prisoner this week, raced right through it, mostly because I listened to it every day on the treadmill. This book centers around another Jacobite plot, this one based in Ireland in 1760, which Jamie Fraser is asked to both help lead and help thwart. I liked the story a lot more this time around. Having just finished Voyager, my brain was already in the 1760s, so I could remember their recent events better. And since Iโ€™ve read Written in My Own Heartโ€™s Blood, which wasnโ€™t out the first time, I care about the characters more now. Lord John, his brother Hal, and Halโ€™s wife Minnie will be important to the Frasers for decades to come, and theyโ€™ve all grown on me. I would enjoy a sequel to this book, and I recommend it to Outlander fans who are looking for something else to get them through Droughtlander but arenโ€™t big fans of the Lord John Grey books. This oneโ€™s a hybrid (half Jamie, half John, no Claire) that provides some interesting details about the friendship between Jamie and John and Jamieโ€™s early years with Willie. Plus it has this killer opening line: It was so cold out, he thought his cock might break off in his handโ€”if he could find it.

Merit: Iโ€™m back to reading Empire of Storms, Sarah J. Maas's epic fifth book in the Throne of Glass series, a book I โ€œabandonedโ€ for the APtCH TV series. Magic powers, great evil, and romantic tension collide in this intense fantasy. I'm also rereading Darkfever, enjoying every page again.

Shau: Well, this week Iโ€™m reading Archangelโ€™s Heart by Nalini Singh, or, to be more accurate, Iโ€™m currently in the middle of it. I havenโ€™t had a lot of available reading time these days so itโ€™s going slower than I wouldโ€™ve liked. I did expect an Illium book, but alas, I didnโ€™t get it. Itโ€™s about Elena and Raphael. The mystery is fun, discovering Elenaโ€™s history is interesting, so Iโ€™m happy with the story. Hope you all like it.


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