What the Wenches Are Reading

Click through to see what we're reading this week!
Angela: This week I haven’t had a lot of reading time. I’m slowly reading through The Cater Street Hangman by Anne Perry to complete my twelve month reading challenge.
Anne: This week, I finished Biting Bad and two of the three short stories, Kicking It and Howling for You. I also took a brief dive into the fanfiction world, just for a change of pace and some smutty goodness. Now, I’ve moved on to Wild Things. In the audiobook world, I’m up to Faefever. Usually, when I’m listening to a series, I take breaks in between books. But, I’m so enthralled with these books, as usual, that I haven’t been. Maybe after Shadowfever. We’ll see.
Barb: I haven't really read anything book-wise this week. I have, however, read about 462,985 news articles. I'm going to have to slow down before I make myself crazy, but for now I need to gather as much information as possible to prepare for whatever lies ahead. I also still have 50 pages of Darkfever to finish.
Care: Still meandering my way through Cold Days. I’m getting there, though - and I’m coming up on a road trip which means many hours of reading time! Yay! Truthfully, while I absolutely adore my audiobooks (particularly the Jim Butcher / James Marsters Harry Dresden!), they are much less convenient than just picking up a book - digital or dead tree. :/
Kathi: I finished my reread of Voyager and have now completed my 2016 Saucy Wenches Goodreads reading challenge. (Thank you for hosting it, Wench Angela!) I decided it was the perfect time to reread The Scottish Prisoner, which is my favorite of the Lord John Grey side series. It takes place during the Voyager timeline, and I’m learning a lot of little details that I’d forgotten or missed the first time through. (As a result, I’m now quite looking forward to the story Diana Gabaldon is writing about Lord John’s brother and his wife. Minnie was a badass!) So I’m lingering a bit longer in the Outlander world without reading past season 3. It would have been verra hard to concentrate on an unfamiliar book this week, as it turns out.
Merit: I’ve started rereading the Fever series by Karen Marie Moning in the hope of attending the FEVERSONG Book Launch event. I’m rereading the first book in the series, Darkfever. This is my second rereading and I feel I appreciate the story and KMM even more while I read it now. I find many small details or hints I didn’t fully grasp at the first or even at the second read. Awesome, just awesome.
Zee: I've been in a state of shock since the 8th. I did start Big Little Lies before that, but can't seem to find the energy to read anything that isn't stuff online about how the world is ending since. Lets hope I can get some reading in this week. I could use a fun distraction.
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