What the Wenches Are Reading

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Angela: I’ve finished The Lies of Locke Lamora (Gentleman Bastard #1) by Scott Lynch. Fantasy and intrigue. Our lead character Locke Lamora is a skilled thief, yet he may not be as smart as he imagined himself to be. Death, revenge and a con. This book was an excellent first in series.
Anne: I lingered in my favorite Cut & Run book, Stars & Stripes, for awhile this week. Then, I plowed through Touch & Geaux just to get the heartbreak over with. Now, I’m speeding through Shock & Awe on my way to Ball & Chain. In the audio book world, I’m slowly but steadily making my way through Written in my own Heart’s Blood. I’m enjoying it so far. I adore Rachel Hunter. She may be my new favorite character in that series.
Barb: I....um....you guys, I haven't read anything. I'm not sure when's the last time this happened, but I can't seem to focus on reading. I did finish the Living History audiobook on my commute, and started listening to Hillary Clinton's second memoir, Hard Choices. But actual reading of an actual book? I got nothing. I'm not even suffering from a book hangover, so I don't know what's up. Any suggestions?
Donna: I'm on vacation this week and just finished Harry Potter and the Cursed Child by JK Rowling. Remember the epilogue to the final HP novel where young Albus Potter asked his dad what would happen if the Sorting Hat placed him in Slytherin House? That's where the novel/play begins. Albus and his new BFF, Scorpius try to right a wrong, and then have to figure how to save the day. Oh, and there's danger and dementors to deal with.
Kathi: It took me a little while to really get sucked in, but now I’m absolutely riveted by The Historian. What a great story! I’m kicking myself for waiting so many years to finally pick it up. An ancient book mysteriously appears to seemingly random historical researchers in different countries and decades, which sparks a dangerous quest to find the original Vlad Dracula. Very interesting historical info about the warlord — he’s credited with helping to stem the Ottoman invasion of Europe. The various settings are lushly described, and I feel like I’m getting a bit of a tour of your countries, Shau and Olga!
Merit: I was looking for a light read due to my overloaded working schedule. I found Paper Princess (The Royals#1) by Erin Watt. Instead of reading a few chapters here and there, I read it almost in one sitting. It was such an addictive story. This book is like Cinderella meets Gossip Girl. I will admit that the plot is kind of familiar ... a poor but tough young woman is thrown to the rich and spoiled den … but it was so addictive, that as soon as I finished the first book I started the second book, Broken Prince. I can sum it up as a family drama with secrets to be revealed, parties, dancing, sex, angst, and of course, a slow-burning, sizzling-hot romance. Erin Watt is the epithet of two bestselling authors.
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