What The Wenches Are Reading

Click through to see what the Wenches Are Reading this week!
Angela: This week I read Vicious by V.E. Schwab, a great book about two forces drawn inevitably together. The question is can we create people who are ExtraOrdinary as long as certain environmental conditions are met? Great read. Next I moved onto The Lies of Locke Lamora (Gentleman Bastard #1), and so far it’s a great take on a fantasy novel. How often do you read a fantasy book where the main character is a thief?
Anne: I'm still living in the Ty & Zane world. I blew through Divide & Conquer and Armed & Dangerous this past week. Now, I’m on to my favorite book in the series, Stars & Stripes. In the audio book world, Wench Kathi informed me that there were two short story/novella books I should read before I get too far into Written in My Own Heart’s Blood. So, I listened to those and love them. A Leaf on the Wind of All Hallows is about Roger’s dad and what really happened to him. It was heartbreaking. The other was The Space Between, which is about Marsali’s sister, Joan, and Ian’s brother, Michael. That one was quite enjoyable and I wonder how much of this will be revisited. But, now I’m back to MOBY.
Barb: I'm still reading Everything I Left Unsaid by Molly O'Keefe. It's a really good book, so I'm not sure why I'm having trouble reading it, but I'm nearly done. I'll probably read some non-fiction next. We'll see. I'm also listening to Hillary Clinton's first memoir, Living History, on my commute, which is a fascinating look at a woman we think we know well, but don't really.
Donna: I'm super busy this week trying to get work finished up before I start vacation next week. There will be a big road trip on the agenda, so hopefully I'll get to take a crack at my TBR list.
Kathi: I’m still reading The Historian for a reading challenge. It’s an intriguing and very mysterious story about multiple generations of Cold War-era academics who are trying to track down the original Dracula. But it’s slow going, especially since I’m listening to the audio book as I read.
Merit: I’ve just finished reading Until Harry by L. A. Casey. An emotional and angsty romance which has its sweet moments. Lane’s beloved uncle, Harry, died. That’s why she returns home to England after living 6 years in NYC. This is Lane’s story, her life from a very young age, her family and friends, her love and heartbreak. It’s about a second chance in life and love. It was a lovely read. One thing I have to say is that I felt the drama was a little over the top at times. Some things could’ve been fixed with more listening and communication between the two protagonists, but then, if it was that way, we wouldn’t have enough angst and ugly crying.
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