What the Wenches Are Reading

Click through to see what we're reading this week!
Anne: I’m still living in the Cut & Run world. I’m on Divide & Conquer now and loving every minute of it. I’m anxiously awaiting the introduction of the Sidewinder boys. In audio book news, I finished (and loved!) An Echo in the Bone. Normally, I would listen to something else as a break from Outlander. But, I decided I didn’t want to leave Jamie and Claire and Ian, so, I moved right on to Written in My Own Heart’s Blood.
Barb: I am still reading Everything I Left Unsaid by Molly O'Keefe. It's riveting, but I've been distracted by current events. I'm hoping to finish it this week and read some ARCs I have on my plate.
Care: So, I’ve gotten my biology back on board. I made my way through Caught Running (good *grief* can a horrible narration ruin a good book!), then realized I had a sudden and DIRE, DESPERATE NEED to see what POV a certain scene was from in Part & Parcel, which sent me right back there, and then I got sucked in and had to finish the whole book. Naturally. From there, I popped back over to Cut & Run, and now have grand plans for a mixed-series-order-by-timeline reread of C&R+Sidewinder. I’m stuck. I kind of actually rather like it, though, so it’s all good. ^_^ In other news, Bedtime Reading has made its way all the way to Deathly Hallows target="_blank", so I’m crossing my fingers the rest of the book goes well. It can be a bit... intense... for a little kid! In related news, though, I picked up Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, so I’m stoked waiting for it to arrive!
Donna: I haven't read anything this week. I think my binge watching of Gilmore Girls is the culprit, but who could blame me? They're perfection! However, I did pick up Harry Potter & the Cursed Child yesterday and am patiently waiting for my daughter to finish it.
Kathi: This week I finished reading Eligible. I enjoyed this contemporary retelling of Pride and Prejudice, though I tended to picture the scenes from the BBC television adaptation in my mind (including Colin Firth as Darcy in early 19th century attire), despite the fact they did not match the modernized scandals and attire. Then I started The Historian. I’ve been meaning to read this for years, so I chose it for the “book that has been on my TBR list longest” category of the 2016 SWBC reading challenge I signed up for.
Merit: I didn’t read a book this week. Instead, I watched Vikings, Season 4, part 1. Vikings is the History Channel's TV drama about the adventures of the Viking warrior Ragnar Lothbrok, one of the first and best known legendary Norse heroes. This is the story of his quest to find and conquer the lands that lie to the west. Other important story lines are the family drama, of love and jealousy, and the introduction of Christianity to the Vikings’ deeply-held pagan beliefs — with the help (or not) of his fierce and courageous wife Lagertha, his brother Rollo, his friend (and more) Floki, and other fascinating characters. You can read Wench Kathi’s delightful post about Vikings characters here.
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