Blog Tour: The Sight by Chloe Neill

The paranormal war that engulfed New Orleans seven years ago is over.  But the battle for the city is just beginning . . .
Claire Connolly is a Sensitive, infected with magic when the Veil that divides humanity from the world beyond fell. Magic can easily consume and destroy a Sensitive, and if Claire’s secret is discovered she’ll be locked into the walled district of Devil’s Isle along with every other Paranormal left in the city.
Bounty hunter Liam Quinn discovered Claire’s secret, but refused to turn her in. Together they saved New Orleans from the resurgence of magic that nearly destroyed it. But now a dangerous cult is on the rise, and it will take both Claire and Liam—and magical allies within Devil’s Isle’s towering walls—to defeat the occult threat before magic corrupts them both…

We're excited to be a stop on Chloe Neill's new release blog tour once again! Regular readers know how much we adore Ms. Neill around here, and her latest book, The Sight, is no exception to her excellence. Check out our review here, and if you aren't caught up on the Devil's Isle series you can check out our review of the first book, The Veil, here. We've also gushed about her Chicagoland Vampires series. A lot. Like, really a lot. Click here to see all of the embarrassing love we've heaped upon CN and her long-running ChiVamps series. 

Pick up your copy of THE SIGHT: AmazonBarnes & NobleBooks-A-MillionIndiebound, or iBooks.

And for now, a giveaway! Many thanks to CN and her fabulous assistant, Krista, for the prize pack that will feature bookmarks and lots of other swag from both series. Be sure to complete the required entry!

The fun doesn’t stop here. Want more chances to win? You can also enter Chloe’s Grand Prize Giveaway, which will run August 8 through August 19 on Chloe’s web site.
What’s included in the Grand Prize Giveaway?


  1. I say teleportation! Imagine being able to pop up in a completely different country in the blink of an eye? I would so abuse it.

  2. I agree with Nancy. I would love to teleport but I would want to be able to take people with me.

  3. I would love the ability to heal any sickness or injury. I can imagine how lovely it would feel to walk through a children's ward at a hospital and give them the gift to go home as normal kids and find their smile again. Thanks for the chance to win.


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