What the Wenches Are Reading

Click through to see what we're reading this week, and be sure and tell us what you're reading!

Amanda: I finished my reread of Bloodfever by Karen Moning. I love how I see new things every time I open any book in that series. It doesn't even have to be anything life changing. Barrons growling at Mac, "Nobody likes a door slammer," made me grin. I'm also reminded of little details that I had forgotten. Okay, enough gushing about Fever series. You know I love it; moving on. I've decided to go back to Heart of Obsidian by Nalini Singh. Real life has been really distracting, but I'm ready to buckle down and read the shit out of that book! LOL! 

Angela: This week I read House Immortal by Devon Monk and it was amazing. Easily the best sci-fi urban fantasy I've read in ages. If you haven't read Devon Monk, I can't recommend highly enough that you check out one of her series. The whole world building in House Immortal was engrossing, full of original ideas and darn it, ended on a cliffhanger. Luckily for me, Book #2 is already out. 

Anne: I'm pretty much at the same point I was last week. Different Cut & Run book, and further into the Book Thief. I am enjoying them both immensely. 

Barb: Still rereading Dark Debt. Not moving very quickly. I'm thinking I'm mired in a book funk after all of the fantastic new releases at the beginning of this year. Hoping to move on to something new soon. 

Care: Still meandering through Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix with my son at bedtime, but otherwise, plowing right on ahead with my Cut & Run reread! I've finished Divide & Conquer, and am well through Armed & Dangerous. I'm so stinking excited for this, I can't stand it... even as I dread the ending of an era. 

Kathi: I finished Colleen Gleasonโ€™s Draculia Vampire (aka Regency Draculia) series by reading Luciferโ€™s Warrior (aka The Vampire Narcise). I thoroughly enjoyed this fun trilogy and plan to write a review when I get the time. Then, after a rousing online discussion of the Poldark TV series, I decided to try the books on which itโ€™s based, so I picked up Ross Poldark (The Poldark Saga #1). I would find it hard to follow if I weren't already familiar with the story โ€” because I have been a huge fan of the original 1975 TV series for 40 years. Though I hadn't rewatched Poldark in quite a while (until I binge watched a few episodes this week), I see and hear all the original actors as I read. I wonder if that will change after watching the remake that is scheduled to be broadcast on Masterpiece Theater in the U.S. in June. 

Merit: This week is about Dragons. I am reading โ€œA Natural History of Dragonsโ€ (Memoir by Lady Trent #1) by Marie Brennan. What a fascinating story! If you love dragons, and are not afraid of some allegedly scientific talk, this book is for you. The protagonist, Lady Trent/ Isabella is telling us about the beginning of her obsession with natural history and especially in dragons. A slow paced story set in a Victorian- like era, full of funny, snarky comments, some mystery, very tiny bits of romance and a struggle against sexism at that time, when the idea of a woman scientist was appalling. Also I like cover of this book. 

Zee: Have been pretty sick all week, so no reading for me. Sigh. I miss reading. On the plus side, I got to see Michael Buble live! And that was pretty amazing!


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