Fangirl Friday: On Blogging!

I recently realized just how whimsical blogging lets me be - I'm able to start up an entry, and before inspiration hits in full, I can drop in things like "Book cover! Something cool! Fun thing here!" which lets me work on the parts of entries I'm ready for, while still keeping tabs of what I want to put into the entry.
I have two blogs I write for primarily, and I've learned it's a wonderful way to share things you love, connect with people who love similar things, and share ideas and tips-and-tricks across an audience you'd never reach in really any other format. It's a chance to really personally connect to other people - cowriters or readers - and a creative outlet in a time that is often lacking for such endeavors. It's always exciting to start up a new entry, not knowing *quite* where it will go, just chatting away, you and your audience, putting some of yourself into your writing, talking to people who atually want to read what you have to say. It's a powerful, heady feeling, and one that I've gotta say, I really do love.
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