What the Wenches Are Reading

Click through to see who's reading what, and share your choices in the comments below!
Amanda: I'm still reading Magic Breaks by Ilona Andrews, about halfway through it. I am really enjoying it; I'm on the edge of my seat!
Angela: I finished The Disillusionists trilogy by reading Head Rush. Really enjoyed this series. I love the idea of being able to try to disillusion bad people and turn them around. The heroine had growth over the course of the three books and ended just where I thought she should. You can read my series review here. I've now moved onto the next Sebastian St Cyr book Where Shadows Dance by C.S. Harris. I love being transported back to London, but excuse me the Thames is in a very shocking state. The smell alone would be enough to give one vapours.
Anne: I'm making my way through Shifting Shadows, the Mercy Thompson anthology, still. Plus, I keep forgetting to mention that I've been listening to the Harry Potter audio books on my commute. I just finished The Chamber of Secrets. Now, it's on to my personal favorite of the series, The Prisoner of Azkaban.
Barb: This week I read Rusty Nailed, the sequel to Wallbanger, which I quite enjoyed. A light and fluffy continuation of Alice Clayton's Cocktail series, I thought that Rusty Nailed wrapped up some of the loose ends in Caroline and Simon's story quite nicely. I then moved on to an ARC I received of Nalini Singh's upcoming contemporary romance, Rock Addiction, a fun departure from her usual U/F fair. Look for a review soon. Today, I'm planning to start Jeaniene Frost's The Beautiful Ashes, the first in her Broken Destiny series, which hits shelves today.
Donna: This week I read Cursed Moon by Jaye Wells, Prospero's War #2. I'm really enjoying this series, and I'm looking forward to Book 3. Next up is another member of the League of Reluctant Adults - Nicole Peeler (oops, I mean Denise Townsend) and her sexy selkie Oceans series.
Kathi: Didn’t have much time for reading this week…again. Tried a free fantasy book by someone who has been tweeting funny recaps of the Outlander tv show, but just couldn’t get into the writing style. Perhaps it was too much of a contrast with Diana Gabaldon’s to read directly after her books, so I plan to try it another time. In the meantime, I resumed listening to my reread of Written in My Own Heart’s Blood, which I interrupted a few weeks back to listen to a reread of Outlander. (Yes, I’m an Outlanderholic.) Oddly enough, I found it difficult to listen to older Claire and Jamie on the same nights I watched younger Claire and Jamie on TV, so some nights I’d rewatch the show instead of read. Shocking, I know!
Merit: Looking through my never ending T.B.R list, I found Walking Disaster by Jamie McGuire. That is what I’m reading now. This book is Beautiful Disaster (The first book in the series) story through Travis Maddox’s eyes, but it is even more, we find out who is Travis, what made him into the man we met in BD. Some parts made me cry, some made me laugh. Well written.
Natalie: Hi, readers. It has been a busy few weeks. My reread of Chicagoland Vampires is completed, so I'm ready for the next one. I have moved on to trying to complete Dragonfly In Amber. Off to more family events, so not sure how much will be read. Happy reading.
Zee: Sorry Readers, nothing from me this week. I have been a busy Wench!
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